Chapter 33 | The Archer and the Agent

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"Damn it!" Wímad growled. "Those damned archers tricked us! We revealed our positions too early!"

"I don't think there is anymore archers," Ismara said slightly. Everyone looked over to where the archer towers were, but only rubble was there.

"I see Paöminar in the distance, prepare to enter Braunick's mind!" Arenia said to Ismara. "Agent 34, you will be fine battling him in real life?"

"Yes, I believe so," Agent 34 replied. "I've been waiting to bash his skull in and get my memories back since I heard his name. Please, if you see any memories of mine in there please return them to me." 

"If we see any, we will be sure to grab them." Ismara said, which gave Agent 34 hope.

As the brown dragon neared, the four of them prepared for battle. Agent 34 raised his sword, and so did Ismara and Arenia. Wímad growled fiercely, and smoke puffed out of his nose. 

"Alright Ismara. So, I will have a mental battle with Braunick, while you go search for his main control memory and destroy it with spellweaving. Once you do that, we must quickly leave Braunick's mind before it gets destroyed with us in it." Arenia explained.

"Agent 34," Ismara said weakly. "If—if we don't make it out of this, I—I want you to know that, that I..." 

Ismara was interrupted when Wímad was suddenly slammed into by another dragon. The force threw Wímad into the ground full of battling skeletons and soldiers, knocking Agent 34 off of the golden dragon.

As Wímad and the two elves got up quickly, Ismara noticed he was missing. She looked over the edge of Wímad's scales and saw Agent 34 lying weakly on the ground. "Agent 34!" She cried, sticking an arm out towards him as she and Arenia were raised into the air by Wímad.

Agent 34 quickly got up from the dusty ground, and fumbled for his sword. He didn't know what had happened, and looked up to see Paöminar and Wímad battling. He had an urge to help them, but couldn't do anything.

"What are you doing down here?" Someone said from behind him.

He raised his sword in defense and turned around to see a kid that looked around seventeen years old behind him with a bow raised to Paöminar. "I know a way to get you back up there," the kid lowered his bow and extended his hand. "I'm Marque, one of the archers that was told to help take down Paöminar, but sadly, as the tower went down an arrow went into your hole and you all thought you should've come up."

"I'm Agent 34," Agent 34 said, and shook Marque's hand. "Can I trust you?"

"Duh," Marque quickly shot an arrow at the brown dragon. "I'm human. Not full bones. Plus, I saved your butts earlier without you even noticing."

"How?" Agent 34 questioned. 

"Come on," Marque said. "I'll show you. Plus, it can help you get back up there," Marque turned and began to run back into the battle and drew his sword.

Agent 34 sighed, and followed the kid. His other choice was to stand around and act like an idiot while he waited for a way to get back up.

~ ~ ~ ~

"These cannons," Marque explained. "were aimed at Wímad and getting ready to shoot. Luckily, I came in time and bashed in the skeleton's skulls and saved you guys from getting destroyed by cannonballs. But, if you climb in, I can shoot you back up there. And yes, there is a chance you could miss but I'm sure a gem-wielder could survive a fall like that."

"Probably not, but what other choice do I have?" Agent 34 climbed into the cannon which made him feel like a fool. "You sure you can aim correctly?" He asked nervously.

"Yes," Marque said. "Mind if I join you after I shoot you up?" 

"Whatever, just go!" Agent 34 demanded, and Marque fired the cannon.

Agent 34 felt a tingle in his toes, and suddenly he forcefully slid out of the cannon, his armor scraping against it. Then he was flying through the air, across the field of battle. He could see the white skeletons battling the armored soldiers. He saw the two dragons clawing and slamming into each other, and Arenia physically battling what looked like Braunick, while Ismara sat motionless on Wímad's scales.

Agent 34's face turned to horror as he saw which dragon he was heading towards. 

Marque shot him to Paöminar instead of Wímad.

"No!" Agent 34 called to no one as he flew through the air.

Suddenly, he slammed into Paöminar's hard scales, and nearly slid off. He grabbed onto a spike sticking out of his back, and pulled himself onto Paöminar's back.

Then, he heard faint screaming, and Marque slammed into Paöminar's side and started to slide off. Agent 34 rushed to grab the kid, and pulled him back up onto the brown back.

"This is the wrong dragon!" Agent 34 whispered as to not alert Paöminar or Braunick.

"Sorry! They must've swapped positions when battling after I shot you! Sorry!" Marque apologized.

Quickly, the two stood up and drew their swords. They slowly approached the neck of the dragon, and saw that an armored figure, whom they assumed was Braunick, was battling Arenia on Wímad's back. 

"On the count of three, we rush and jump onto Wímad before Paöminar or Braunick realize we are even here and surprise attack him. Okay?" Agent 34 whispered to Marque, who nodded approvingly.

"Three." Agent 34 said, and started climbing Paöminar's back.

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