Boarding with the Bad Boy

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"You like this, don't you?" Sam grins, running his tongue over his lip ring. "You're turned on by it."

"Please," I wave my hand in dismissal.

"You are," he accuses, his voice light. He does it again. I can't look away.


"Why should I? Little Miss 'I hate everyone at Ryder' really does find me irresistible. Who am I to deny her?" Sam's voice has something of an edge to it and my eyes snap to his.

"Little Miss 'I hate everyone at Ryder' huh?" I ignore the second part of his jab.

"That's right."

I lean against my Wardrobe, crossing my arms over my chest. "There's only a few people at Ryder I really can't stand, and you're at the top of my list."

Sam's eyes narrow on me. "Is that so?" He turns from the mirror and takes a step in my direction. I refuse to back down, tilting my chin up to keep his gaze as he crowds into my space. His eyes hold mine until he's close enough that I can feel the warmth of his breath over my cheeks and his focus shifts to my mouth. He runs his tongue over the lip ring again, and I feel my own lips part slightly as he does it, my breath coming little faster. My stomach is pulsing with a mix of nervousness and something I'm not totally ready to admit to myself.


Logan Grey's a 16-year-old girl with a penchant for a Bob Dylan and running long distance. When her father does suddenly, she and her best friend come up with a scheme to keep her from moving to her grandparents' Ohio estate: two years of boarding at her Connecticut hometown's highly renowned prep school. But a fluke lands Logan in a room with Ryder Academy's hottest, baddest boy and it's pretty obvious they're not going to get along. At least until Sam Evans and his sexy-as-hell lip ring saunter into her life, upending everything she thought she knew.


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