Chapter 14

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Milo kept to his promise, when he woke from his nap, not telling Katarina anything about his dream walk. At least for the moment. When Leo and Angel came home safely, he would tell them everything he had talked about with his son. But right now, he didn't want her to worry. He wanted to give Angelus the trust and respect he deserved, by keeping his secret for a little while.

When Katarina woke beside him, he decided there were a few other things they needed to talk about.

"Little wolf, we really do need to get you a permanent guard," Milo decided, since that was the most important thing. "I haven't decided who would be best suitable yet, but I thought I'd leave that up to you and Yosi," he offered.

"Fine. Can you just please stop checking up on me?" she asked, with a light giggle.

Milo figured it was a decent compromise and agreed. To his surprise, Katarina explained the very complicated conversation she'd had with Callum earlier in the day and all that it might mean. They both agreed that Josanna and Algar being true mates was frightening but that it needed their immediate attention.

They lay on the bed and talked about the predicament for a while, how they were going to handle it, what they needed to say and how soon it all needed resolved.

In the end, they ventured downstairs to the living room and asked the guard at the door to fetch Algar and Josanna to the house, no matter what. It was very serious and the Alpha wanted to see them immediately.

Milo knew that sort of command would spur Algar into attending and even dragging Josanna along by the hair, if he had to. When they arrived, however, they both looked confused as they took their seats in the living room.

"Thanks to our son, the Alpha and I have been given more frequent visions of the future. In that future, we are able to see the union of our son," Katarina began the conversation, since they were talking about her visions.

Milo couldn't help but smile whenever they talked about their son now. "Angelus," he supplied the information she didn't have, surprising Katarina.


That's his name. I'll explain later. Milo apologized. He took her hand in his, realizing that he'd opened his big mouth and let a secret slip in front of others. He should have told her alone, but that was his mistake and he would explain.

Katarina ignored him, to turn her attention back to Algar and Josanna. "Algar, you should know that the vision showed me our sons mate and her family. Her father is your brother, Callum," she explained gently.

"So you know he is mated to Janet?" he asked for clarification.

"Yes. And we also saw your own mate, Algar," Milo stepped in there, as it was his job as Alpha to make sure that this matter was settled.

Algar nodded in understanding, but he didn't look best pleased about it.

Milo couldn't blame him. He'd successfully kept the name of his mate a secret, until his brother blurted it out. At least this way Callum was off the hook.

"For Josanna's sake I'm going to make myself very clear. You and she are true mates to one another," Milo explained, for both their sakes.

Josanna gasped, but everyone in the room ignored it.

"This does, however, present a difficulty, as you are both of age to unite and Josanna has been prohibited from taking her mate until she is twenty-one," he continued, watching them closely.

Algar glanced across at Josanna and frowned when he noticed that she was staring out the window, biting her nails. She didn't even seem to notice him sitting there - her true mate. She was just ignoring him.

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