Chapter 22

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The next day, Leo trotted past the waterfall meadow and a deathly scowl graced his wolf's face. He ran forward to a nearby tree with scratch marks on it and noticed that his letter A had been defaced. He ran along the trail that still carried his wolf's scent and found that all of his markings had been either cut out of the bark entirely or defaced into some other mark. He could only guess it was meant to confuse him. But he wasn't that stupid. The journey was fresh in his mind, so he followed his memory.

Leo continued on his travels towards the compound, being extra careful now that his markings had been discovered. And it was just as well.

His two hour journey, at full speed, brought him to the forest clearing in front of the complex entrance. There were men everywhere. It was like a miniature army had taken over the old bunker.

Shit. He thought to himself.

Grudgingly, Leo turned back around and headed home to his cabin.

Angel's captors had returned early.

When he reached the safety of the waterfall, he reached out to Angel's mind and sent him a warning. Thankfully, he found his mate still sleeping and in no new pain.

Angel, please hear me. He asked, sending the thought to him loud and clear. He felt a recognition of half consciousness and decided to speak through it, wasting no time. They have returned early. I cannot try a simple escape now; I have to come back tonight. I had hoped to be inside the compound, before the others arrived. I will have to call them off. He explained, unhappily.

I understand, little lion. I will do my best to wait patiently, but I do not promise anything. I miss you greatly. Angel promised, a sense of happiness seeping through their bond.

I miss you too. And I promise, we shall have tonight together. He swore, refusing to allow anything to keep them apart any longer.

I know. Tonight and many, many more nights. Angel sighed, in a way that made Leo feel loved. As if he was so missed, that even one night was too much to bear apart. Will you promise me something, my love? I know it may sound very needy, but I must ask. He admitted.

Anything, Angel.

I wish to be alone with you, once I am free. Truly alone. With you and I and no other for just a few days. He asked, sounding nervous and unsure of himself. But he didn't have to.

I would give you weeks, true mate, if you asked for them. Months, years. Anything you ask. Leo promised. He felt the same need. To just be together and shut the world away, to have the time together that had been stolen from them. He felt Angel's smile and the slow drifting of his consciousness back into sleep.

His answer had soothed him and he was willing to return to slumber, to dream of the reality of that promise.

Leo broke off their connection, to let Angel rest and continued on his way home.


Leo took a detour on his way home, recalling his promise to Milo. He going to ensure that Angel was safe as he made his escape. He was going to ensure that, whenever he was fully recovered from his ordeal, they were escorted home, only by the strongest shifters he could find. He already had Alpha Murphy's men ready to step up; now he was going to visit Alpha Bryson to gain his allegiance. He needed all the strong men he could get for tonight, to ensure that Angel got away free and clear and never had to look over his shoulder ever again.

He followed the map Alpha Murphy had given him and stood on the brink of the territory, clearly leaving himself visible. He stood there, waiting, letting the pack notice him and realize that he wasn't a danger or a trespasser.

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