Chapter 20

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{Reader's POV/ Four days after Stan's murder}

"A..A... A-Chooo..!"

Startled by my sudden sneeze, I hurriedly rubbed my red nose and frowned at how cold my skin was.

"I..I'm home..!", I rasped out painfully as my dry throat rejected to let me speak properly. I scrunched up my face and sneezed once more as I hung up my trench coat.

Jack looked up from where he was laying down and hummed as he flipped through the channels on the tv. I knitted my eyebrows and threw a pillow at his lazy figure, "Aren't you going to ask me how my day went?", I chided sarcastically as I turned to walk to the kitchen.

Jack let out a sleepy yawn and grinned as he switched the tv off. "Sooo, how was your day~??", he gibed as I looked at him from over my shoulder.

I rolled my eyes and blew into a tissue, "Wasn't half bad, my new boss really liked me and I've made a few friends. Other than this stupid weather, I feel great!", I chirped with a smile and watched as Jack anxiously reached for the remote again.

I perched my lips and frowned as Jack secretly tried to turn on the tv. "Go ahead, I need to make dinner anyway", I sighed and shook my head as Jack eagerly went back to watching the news.

As I chopped the vegetables in front of me, my mind wondered off to what happened yesterday. Jack had noticed my mood change and asked me what was wrong. Half-scared and half-worried of his reaction, I hesitantly told him everything.

To my surprise, he didn't mind at all.

After that had been lifted off my shoulders, I gained this sudden urge to do more for him. So, for the last couple of days, I've been letting him do whatever he wanted—from eating all the sweets he offered me, to letting him parade around the streets in search of his next victims.

Wether we were on good terms or not, he was still the same psychotic murderer I met in that alleyway.

And after learning about his past, I was more sensitive to his bizarre tastes and tried to not care for when he'd leave for the night to kill until his heart's content.

Believe me, I was opposed to his murderous ways, but as much as I hated the idea of him killing innocent children... I just couldn't bring myself to tell him otherwise. Especially because I've grown to accept him and, now that I've fallen for him, I've become blind to his sadistic needs.

*Ding Dong*

Jack raised his upper body from the couch and stared intently at the door. I quietly stepped out of the kitchen and stared at him in confusion. "A stranger, never seen him before", Jack grunted and rose off the couch.

I nodded my head and opened the door.

"Hello there, is Miss (L/N) here?", a young man with fair skin and sandy, brunette hair inquired as I stood behind the door. I smiled warmly, "Yes, that's me", I replied and opened the door a little wider to let him see me more clearly.

The young man smiled and nodded his head, "Oh! It's nice to meet you Miss (L/N)! I've been wanting to talk with you for some time now," he beamed as he stood in the chilly air. I nodded my head and waved inside as I too felt the pesky cold nipping at my skin.

"Oh really? That's odd, I don't think we've met before... You do seem familiar though..", I wondered to myself as I lead the fair-skinned man into my home. He sat down on the couch and smiled as I approached him.

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