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                                                        "a person who saves someone or something                                                                                                        (especially a country or cause) from danger,                                                            and who is regarded with the veneration of a religious figure."

Ava never imagined to be sent to Dunkirk, but it changed when she got that letter on a lovely day. She was sent to Dunkirk to attend to help the wounded soldiers and that's what she was doing right now, running around the medic ship helping the wounded.

Her blond her blowing in the wind and her cheeks turning redder by each minute she stood in the cold wind. 

Her gaze snapped up when she saw few nurses running towards two soldiers carrying stretches into the ship, she looked at the soldiers who tried to blend into the crowd in the ship but failed at that when the officer saw them, and yelled them to get off.

Ava though kept her eyes on the two soldiers and a smile growing on her lips when she saw them climb under the platform next to the medic ship, her smile was wiped off of her face when she heard the piercing sound of the enemy airplanes coming towards their way. 

Everyone scrambled around trying to get into hiding and not get hit by the bombs that dropped down from the planes hitting the parts of the platform, ocean and one managed to hit the left side of the medic ship, making it start slowly to sink.

Ava rose to her feet from her crouched position and run to the railing of the ship following the lead of soldiers and other nurses, she jumped into the cold water her dress making her feel heavier.

She swam towards the platform and let out an small scream when she realized that she wasn't gonna make it until she saw two hands out in front of her, she reached for the hands making them pull her towards the platform just in time before the ship hit the side of the platform she was squeezed against to. 

She looked towards the two people who saved her, seeing that both of them looked young the other looked not more than 18 whilst the other was probably in his early twenties. Ava kept taking deep breaths and smiled softly to the soldiers. 

"Thank you." She said quietly and shivered slightly from the cold wind that hit the spot they were on. Ava looked the slightly older soldier closely seeing that he had forest green eyes and his hair was styled perfectly even tho he just swam in the cold ocean, but somehow his hair looked good. 

The soldier turned his head towards her and furrowed his eyebrows, whilst also taking deep breaths. "I'm Alex." He said with a strong voice, putting his hand out making Ava realize her legs were still in the water. "Ava." She said and took an hold of Alex' hand who pulled her to sit in between his legs cause there wasn't anymore space left on the plank Alex and the other soldier were sat on.

"Tommy." The other soldier said and looked at her putting his hand out for her to shake, she took an hold of his hand and shook it. "Ava." She said and smiled softly to the young soldier, who nodded his head and turned his gaze up on top of the platform when a voice was heard.

"C'mon boys... and miss, let's find you another ship." Commander Bolton yelled from the platform whilst looking down at the soldiers and the nurse, all of them sighed in relief and jumped back into the cold water, Alex helping Ava in there and helped her to the ladder that led on the platform. 

All of the soldiers and nurse walked slowly towards the small boat that was waiting for them whilst they tried to warm themselves up by rubbing their hands up and down their arms, but it wasn't working cause of the cold sea wind hitting them from all the directions. 

They climbed into the boat, one of the soldiers pushing Ava almost making her fall into the cold ocean yet again, but Alex had his arms wrapped around her waist in seconds keeping her from not falling into the ocean.

"Oi, mate you don't have to push we'll all have space here and we're gonna get to the ship." Alex said making the soldier scoff and glare at Alex. "She shouldn't even be here, she should be at home." The man said making Ava sigh and turn around to punch the man. "Get another nurse to fix your stupid broken nose." She said and shook her hand slightly.

All the men in the boat laughed and some patted Ava's back when they sat down. She turned around to be stopped by Alex who still had an hold on her waist. She let out an tiny gasp when she saw how close their were but with an shake of her head she snapped back into reality and sat down next to Alex, who also shook his head.

Alex put his hands into his jacket pockets trying to warm them up, everyone else doing the same except Ava who was sat on her hands. The boat slowly moved towards the new ship and hopefully safe enough to take them home.

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