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1) stay where one is or delay action until a particular time or event."he did not wait for a reply"

2) remain in readiness for a purpose. "he found the train waiting on the platform"

(just imagine Ava sitting where Alex is sitting in the gif, good thanks.)


As the sky seemed to brighten up the four sat on the beach whilst looking out to the sea at the soldiers who tried to get the boats into the water, but the waves were too strong for the boats, which ended in them being broken into pieces and the men to walk back to the shore, their heads hanging low.

Ava rubber her hands on her arms trying to warm herself up, but stopped when she saw an soldier drop his gun onto the sand and take his stuff off of his shoulders whilst walking towards the open sea. None of them said anything but their gazes followed the man who dived into the water but did not come back up from there.

Ava looked towards the sand letting out an breath trying to not lose hope of getting back home. Time went by, seconds, minutes, hours. The four still sitting on the beach waiting for the boats to come and get them out of there and back home. 

Gibson was hitting a small metal thing drinking out of it when he got a small hole into it, Tommy doing the same after him. 

Ava sat on the beach her gaze locked onto the open sea and the horizon, whilst her other hand was in Alex's hair whilst he head his head on her lap, sleeping peacefully. His sleep was interrupted by the cold wind hitting them forcefully again.

He sat up rubbing his eyes getting rid of the sleep and the small amount of sand that came with the wind into his face and eyes. He looked at Tommy and Gibson and then looked at Ava, who gave him a small smile, making him give her one back.

Ava suddenly lifted her hand up and wiped the dirty sea water that was filled with sand off of his face. Alex had his eyebrows furrowed whilst he looked something over her shoulder. Ava furrowed her eyebrows and then looked in the direction he was looking seeing a group of soldiers walking somewhere. 

Ava quickly stood up, Alex following her. "Hey." Ava said to the duo who were sitting on the sand still and then followed after Alex who was jogging towards the group of men. "Hey, Highlanders!" Alex yelled at them still jogging towards them.

"Hey, Highlanders!" He yelled again still not quite there. "What's that way?!" He yelled his question towards the group who turned to look at them but did not stop walking. "A boat." One of them yelled back at Alex.

"She's grounded." Ava yelled at the group, and slowed down into a walk when they reached the group whilst their breathing was heavy. "Not when the tide comes in, she's not." The same man said to her making Ava look up at Alex in hope of finally getting home.

Alex put his hands into his jackets pockets and looked down at Ava who wrapped her arms around herself trying to warm up. Alex furrowed his eyebrows and looked up at a guy who had an backbag on him.

"Oi." Alex said to the guy making him look behind himself at Alex. "You got a jacket in there?" He continued to ask, the man quickly nodding his head when he saw the girl shaking from the cold weather, right next to Alex. 

He quickly dug through his backbag and handing the spare jacket to Alex who nodded his head as a thank you and quickly turned towards Ava, helping her into the jacket and then he wrapped his arm around her waist pulling her into him, helping her in anyway he could.

The boat looked closer than what it seemed. The group took about fifteen minutes to reach the boat in the distance. The group split up and made sure there was no one around the ship, so they would know that they were safe for the time being and not get killed.

"Where's the crew?" Alex asked in general, whilst Tommy and Gibson kept looking around, along with the rest of the group. Ava shivered her eyes closing for a second from exhaustion, but she still kept rubbing her hands up and down her arms.

"Probably got spooked after they ran aground." One of the Highlanders said whilst climbing to the deck of the boat. "Scarpered up the beach." He continued everyone following after the guy, climbing on the deck.

"Why?" Alex asked and furrowed his eyebrows whilst standing next to the boat, looking up at the Highlander who looked around. "'Cause we're outside the perimeter. Enemy could be right there." He said making Alex look towards the dunes of sand on their right.

"All right, best shut ourselves inside, boys." Highlander said making Alex let out a deep breath and climb onto the deck after everyone else. Before he made a move to even go under the deck he turned around to look at Ava who had her eyes closed whilst she was standing up.

"Love." Alex said making her eyes snap open and look up at him. Her eyebrows furrowed when he put his hand out for her to take an hold off and at that second she realized that she was standing alone on the sand right now.

She walked towards him and took an hold of his hand and he pulled her onto the deck. "Let's wait for the high tide." One of the Highlanders said and adjusted the strap of his gun on his shoulder. "How long's that?" Alex asked from him whilst waiting for the men to get under deck.

"Every three hours." Someone else said, making Alex nod his head and lead Ava under the deck. He helped her sit down and took his jacket off wrapping it around her also, whilst she closed her eyes and fell asleep her head leaning onto Tommy's shoulder.

Ava was woken up rudely from her thirty minute nap by something being thrown to the floor of the ship. Her eyes snapped open and looked up at the person, seeing that it was a furious Alex looking through all the stuff in the ship.

"Fuck's sake." He said and ran his hand through his hair. "Calm down." One of the Highlanders said to Alex, who turned his gaze to the guy. "What goes out comes back in again, right?" He continued whilst Alex looked at him with his eyebrows furrowed.

"Yeah, but how long?" Alex asked, sadness clear in his voice. Ava looked around the boat and then looked back at Alex. "Probably two more hours." Ava said making everyone look at her with furrowed eyebrows. 

"Two hours?" Someone asked but she didn't know who. Ava shook her head, whilst standing up from the floor taking an hold of Alex's jacket before it fell onto the floor in the small bundle of water. 

She handed Alex his jacket back and he put it back onto himself, whilst his gaze was on the small girl in front of him, who still shivered slightly from the cold. "Yes." She said and turned to look at Tommy. 

"You said the water was coming in barely?" Ava asked making Tommy quickly nod his head at her. "So if the water is barely hitting the middle of the stomach of the boat, it's gonna be another two hours until it has risen enough to make us get out into the sea." Ava said and looked around the men in the boat.

They all looked towards the floor in disbelief, all of them just wanting to get home and away from this long nightmare that never seemed to stop. 

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