Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten

"Did you!?" I shout now.

He still hasn't answered me yet, just silent tears streaming down his face. Any other time I would have felt bad, but now I pity him in the worst way possible. If he killed his sister, he deserves to feel bad.

"Fucking tell me!" I spit on the floor next to his hand. He doesn't even flinch.

"I wasn't alone. I was forced to do it. I didn't want to. I had to put her out of her misery! I couldn't not do anything!" He was full out sobbing now.

"Who was with you, and what did you do?"

"Mr. Parker. He was with me. He made me shoot her. 'Put her out of her misery' was his exact words. He...He beat her almost to death and then raped her. But she was still awake and alive. He made me s-shoot her." He stuttered.

I gently let go of his collar and stood up,"Are you lying?"

He shook his head frantically,"No. No. I'm not."

I looked into his eyes to see nothing but the truth,"I...I believe you. But why didn't you turn Mr. Parker in?"

"He threatened me and you. I wouldn't care so much about myself, but you...your different."

"What the fuck are you talking about?" He was honestly making me flustered, but I won't say that to him.

"You know damn well what I'm saying,"

"No." I kept my blunt face.

"I'm saying that I give a damn about you. I care." My breath caught in my throat. He can't. This can't. He's still a criminal even if he was innocent.

"No you don't." I shook my head, trying to get rid of these strange emotions bubbling under the surface.

"Yes. I do." His voice was just a whisper, but the words were just that much stronger to me.

"No." I decided to change the topic,"Your the father of my best friends baby!" I let out, the weight suddenly letting go.

His face went as white as snow,"What?"

"You fucked my best friend, and now she's pregnant."

"Who?" He whispered.

"Tayla Dues." I said automatically. I was digging myself deep, and there was no way out.

His eyes went wide,"We were the most protected!"

"She said that too."

His face went blank as he thought about this,"I need to see her. I need to apologise and make her get an abortion. I'm not ready to be a father." He repeated over and over again, slightly rocking.

"Oh no your not. You will stay far away from her, you hear me? She loves that baby with her life, I've never seen her so happy and glowing. You will not take that away form her." I said suddenly getting angry again.

He looked up to me,"Where does she live? I at least need to see her."

I shook my head and sighed,"We have to stay here anyways. This is camp, kinda. We can't leave here unless we're getting food. I wouldn't give you her address anyways." I shrugged,"Deal the fuck with it." I quoted him from earlier.

He narrowed his eyes at me,"Fuck you."

I leaned in so I was close to kissing his ear,"I know you want to." My voice sent shivers down his spine. I smiled knowing I had that effect on him.

"So many cold showers." He muttered.

I laughed and stood away from him, but got serious,"You can't leave here, you know that, right? If he is just walking the streets waiting for you, you're dead. I need you to stay in this building..." I paused as my eyes widened,"We can't tell the others. They have to figure this out on their own."

He nodded,"Ok. So, stay here and don't tell anyone anything? Is that right?"

"Yes." I helped him off the floor, and he pulled me into an unexpected hug Maybe he just needed it, or he was being really perverted, but I allowed it in case of the first option.

His hug was warm and inviting, maybe a little more than it should be. I embraced it like my mothers home-made-cookies.

He pulled away first, though I could feel the hesitation in it.

"We should get going." He whispered.

I nodded,"Yeah. We got to finish this case,"

He frowned,"Yeah. I guess we do."

I out my hand on his shoulder,"I won't let that psychotic man hurt you, Luke. Even if I'm still mad at you for banging my friend..." I shrugged,"I won't through you under the bus for that,"

He smiled,"Good. Now, let's go get Mr. P. in questioning."

I frowned,"we can't. You heard Mrs. Parker. She won't allow it."

"Then we can do it privately."

"But how will we get him? He will know you told me if I go and tell him he's under custody. Then he would most likely come after you."

"Maybe so, but I can send you with backup."


"There are 4 other members of this team you know." He rolled his eyes.

"Oh, yeah. I knew that." He took my hand and pulled me up the two flights of stairs that led to our room.

We bound through the doors and jumped on the couch beside Isabella,"Guys, I need your help—" I started but Tristan interrupted once again.

"Oh, so, you need our help now? What about earlier when you went and started​ this project on your own?"

I sighed,"You know I'm sorry for that. But now I need your help. Badly. I need you to help me interrogate Mr.Parker."

"Who's Mr. Parker?" James asked.

I through my head in my hands and sighed,"And you wonder why I did this without you....Mr. Parker is a possible suspect, and we need to see if he's innocent or not."

Jessica decided to speak up,"And how do you know he's a suspect?"

"Did you guys even read the folder!? He's a suspect because his finger prints were at the scene of the crime. And they did a rape test, which came up positive with his DNA. So, I mean, he's a pretty darn good suspect. I don't understand why the police haven't figured it out yet?.." I started rambling.

"Ok. We'll help." Isabella stated.

"Yeah." The rest agreed.

"Ok." I stated with a shake of my head,"Let's go get our man." A look of determination crossed all our features. I put my fist in the middle of us as they did the same.

"On three." Luke started. "One...Two...Three...THE SIX TRIOS!!!"

We all laughed at this and started to gather our things for this trip.

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