Chapter 29: The Treason

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Chapter 29:

The Treason

|| Annabeth Chase||

It was no question on why he's the commander of the greatest Army in the Universe. There was no question before, but seeing him fight in person solidified it.

Oh, he was deadly....and sublime.

There was a certain beauty to his fighting but it's downright deadly. He was the end point of a sharp blade himself.

I could see why Chaos chose him; I could see why the others chose to follow him without question. The Army is great themselves without the commander. But it's a whole new level when they fight with the commander together. Their movements are perfectly in sync together. The effect of the commander fighting with them was like seeing someone get a power boost.

Seeing them fight was mesmerizing. I was completely enraptured.

Which is why I missed the monster coming up behind me and managed to get a hit before it burst into dust. I looked to see who my savior was and found Percy looking at me with a blank look, "Chase," he called, "Pay attention."

I only nodded in response before resuming my fighting. In no time, we killed all the monsters except the Giants who are seriously angered. We began to fight them, as we were told to when the Army joined in. Just as Percy had said, we didn't need the Gods to kill them.

The Army killed off the remaining Titans without hesitation and brutally.

Breathing heavily, I looked to my friends and then to everyone before dropping my weapon and grinned. 

We did it! We survived!

Everyone began cheering, running to their friends and clinging onto them, just like I did.

The sky rumbled and darkened when a tornado appeared in front of us. With a sinking feeling in my stomach, I realized we weren't done yet. There was always, always one more. The campers scrambled to get their weapons, the Army stepping back to get closer to us like they were our shield. The tornado disappeared revealing a buff figure in a suit, sporting a white as snow hair and beard. He looked very peeved and annoyed.

In the middle of thick, heavy silence, Percy's voice boomed even though he was just speaking in a normal voice. "Ouranos."

My blood froze and fear clung onto me and became a heavyweight inside of me.

"Perseus," the primordial replied. "Don't think this is over, I have more in my arsenal."

"I don't have to think, Ouranos. I know this is over."

"You, you annoying brat, always thinking you know everything. You're a pain in my ass, did you know that?" Ouranos snarled, the sky thundered in agreement to him, in a way that I know Zeus can't be responsible, this was much too powerful. Lighting appeared everywhere as if the sky had cracked.

"Why are you doing this? There's no point."

"You are the point, Perseus. You have always been a pain. I hated you. Every time I see you, all I wanna do is wrap my hand around that delicate looking neck of yours and snap it. But of course, I can't do that. So, what better way to get my anger out than to take it out on the planet you love so much."

Darkness gathered around Percy and the ground quaked beneath my feet. "I knew you didn't like me but I didn't think you'd stoop this low. I treated you like a brother!"

"Desperate times, brother," said Ouranos, spitting the last word with venom. "You know what's annoying? You getting everything I wanted. You took everything from me!"

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