Special Chapter: The Early Years

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Special Chapter:

The Early Years

She was a mess.

A bundle of nerves and butterflies and all that good stuff that points out to anxiousness. She was a few feet away from the door of the office that contained the man that literally holds the key to her life. The Big Boss, literally. She has absolutely no clue as to why she's been called because as far as she knows, she's done nothing wrong. Except practicing tiny magic here and there to keep her from going out of touch, but she hasn't gotten caught yet. She'd been careful and her work performance has been nothing but excellent -- as she was told.

So, why was she being called to Chaos's office?

Fyna closed her eyes, wiping her sweaty palms on her apron and taking a really deep breath before she knocked on the door, precisely three times.

Her heartbeat was beating too loud for her own liking. So loud she almost missed her cue to enter. Her signal was basically the door opening in front of her. Carefully, she entered the gigantic office, heading straight to the oak desk sitting in the middle of the room.

"Your Majesty," Fyna greeted, curtsying as she did so.

"Fyna...Sveira, was it?" he asked, motioning for her to sit down on the chair across the table.

"Yes, Your Majesty," she answered. "...Am I in trouble?"

The Creator only chuckled, shaking his head. "No, no you are not, my dear." He pressed a few keys on the screen in front of him and she was a hundred percent sure that her file was pulled up for him to look. "So, I heard you've been working here as one of the head maids for almost 50 years, is that right?"

"Yes, Your Majesty."

"Please," he said, "drop the formalities." He waved his hand nonchalantly. "I've read the reports about you and they've been nothing but good."

"Thank you, Your---sir."

Chaos lowered his glasses down his nose and stared at her dead straight in the eyes. "Okay then, Fyna. How would you like a new position?"


"Oh, come on!" Percy exclaimed, running after two women heading to the practice room. "You guys can't do this. I've been nothing but good!"

Both women rolled their eyes, facing the Prince with a deadpan expression.

"Your Highness, this is for your own good," said Fyna, looking at the flustered Commander in front of her. When Chaos had offered Fyna a new job a few years back about being the personal maid for the new Commander, she was nothing but filled with dread that he would be the everything she despised but no, he was not. Imagine her surprise upon finally meeting the man, drinking a blue drink with a tiny phoenix on his head, looking at the place filled with wonder. Now, she's here and it honestly feels like she's just babysitting the man, which she did not expect her job to be.

"My boy," said the woman beside her, crossing her arms. She was a really light blonde haired woman with a snow white skin, warm earthy brown eyes. She was a delicate looking woman, but by dear Gods, she was one of the few women who can bring the Commander to his knees. "You need to go down to the bookstore and purchase a thing called dictionary to look up the meaning of good because it seems you have a twisted version of it."

"But Mother Rhea!"

She only smiled at him, picking up her light sky blue dress and walked away. Fyna found it somehow odd but at the same time, not, that her Prince feared Mother Rhea but treats her parents like siblings. She questioned it once to Percy but she only got a shrug and a noncommitted reply: "Mother Rhea acts more like a mother to me than her actual parents."

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