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Revised version! 

Give feedback, please ^_^


Pain was all that was felt. The pain of betrayal. The pain of being misunderstood and the pain going through his body as he withered whenever the Crows would come to his cell and get information out of him. Information that he didn't have about the Noah clan and their leader, yet that didn't stop the people he once called family to punish him. His friends didn't even bother to help him in his time of need but when it came to them he'd lay down his life for them.

All he could hear was the echo of dripping noises. Echos of his own blood as it made its way down his arms and body, making a puddle underneath him. The sound was driving him crazy with each passing drop, making him replay what the filthy humans did to him. What the Black Order had done to him. What his family had done.


He'd never forgive them for what they have done to him, for what they have put him through knowing all too well that he didn't have the information they needed. Yet they had the guts to harm him.


He trusted them! He really did and this is how they repay him! Is this what putting his life on the line for them meant that he'd never be seen as an equal, nonetheless, a human?

Letting out a cold laugh that echoed around the room, two guards walked in grabbing him from his injured arm and pulling him up to his feet. He knew it was time. Allen knew he'd be executed.

"This will be quite interesting," He whispered under his breath. The guards pushed him outside the cell he was kept in, "Move it Noah scum!" The CROWS had commanded. Allens weakened form was barely to keep his body up, but he managed to walk to the great hall where everyone was held up. The council members were the judges of the execution, as well as the higher-ups, including the old man pop who led the church, lead the execution.

"Today we are here on behalf of the church. We have received word that Allen Walker is to be executed on this day!" Everyone in the audience started to whisper, some crying, some shouting hateful words, and some angry at what is to happen before them. "Any last words before your death Mr. Walker?" One of the judges asked.

Allen didn't even flinch, he didn't even show any emotions of hurt or despair. He raised his head and looked straight at the judges, "it's not like anyone will listen to me knowing that I'm the Fourteenth," He started. "Anything I say won't have any meaning..."

"Allen!" He turned his gaze towards the audience seeing his so-called "friend" Lenalee bawling her eyes out, "Now you decided to care?" He asked with a teasing, yet dark voice, "Where were you when I was being tortured in the dungeon!" Allen hissed directing his comment directly at Lenalee and all his other friends who decided to ignore his time of need. He noticed Lavi next to Lenalee trying to comfort her, which made Allen fill with even more anger.

"Humans are traitorous creatures! They should rot like the scum they truly are!" Venom filled Allen's voice. Everyone went silent staring directly at him with shock.

He suddenly heard a familiar sound, knowing very well that a certain blue-haired samurai agreed with him. Allen smiled at that and looked around the audience until he landed on Kanda, staring directly at him. Silver eyes met steel ones as they shared a brief moment, "Now that's enough Noah! We shall continue with the execution," One of the council members announced.

Allen moved his gaze and looked straight at the man who was going to kill him He held his gaze, not breaking it for a second until the man walked up and placed the sword against his neck.

Allen smirked darkly as he narrowed his now silver dull eyes towards the judges, "do your worst," He simply said not flinching or anything at that matter.

As one of the judges nodded, giving the signal. Everyone in the audience started to yell and holler, all except for Kanda who stared back at Allen with shock.

"Farewell Allen Walk-" The man who had the sword against Allen's neck fell back as a hand pierced his chest and came back out with a still-beating heart. Allen looked back and saw that it was Tyki, the Noah of Pleasure and Road, the Noah of Dreams behind him.

"That was close. I thought we'd make it a bit too late," Tyki dropped the bloody heart and wiped his hand against his black tights. He looked at Allen and smiled, "nice to see you again, Shounen"

"You too," Allen replied. Pleasure carefully took off the cuffs around Allen's wrists, which were bruised and bloody, slowly as to not hurt the lad even more. Allen looked up and softly whispered a "thank you."

"Allen!" Road came running from behind Tyki and towards Allen, hugging him tightly as she cried. "I'm so glad we made it in time," She said ever so softly. Allen smiled sadly, running his fingers through her hair.

The audience and the judges of the Black Order looked shocked, they had seen the whole thing play out right in front of them but couldn't move an inch.

"So Allen what's it going to be?" Tyki asked, one hand on his waist. "Stay here at the Black Order or come and join your fellow Noah and family?"

Allen looked up seeing his so-called "friends" in the audience. He started to remember all the good times he'd with them and all the bad. All the fighting they've been through together and all the laughter. He couldn't help but smile at the memories which he cherished from the bottom of his heart. Though he couldn't stay. He had to go with the Noah. It felt right to him. He tore his gaze from the crowd and towards the Noah of Pleasure who'd been standing before him the whole time and Road who was sobbing quietly with her arm tightly wrapped around his poor injured body.

He softly smiled, "I'll go with you seeing that no one here wants me anymore or cares if I'm around," Allen said that with so much hate in his voice. He really did love everyone at the Order but betrayal gets you nowhere. Tyki was pleased with the albino haired teen before him. "Let us, Road. The Earl is waiting for his family," Road slowly nodded wiping her face as she moved away from Allen.

"Yeah, let's go home," She said with a gentle and soft voice as she walked to her door while Tyki stood beside her.

Suddenly Allen could hear shouting from the people all around him. Exorcists started to come down and attack the Noah. Allen's vision started to turn fuzzy and his head started to feel dizzy. Everything around him starting to move too fast that he started to feel his legs give out, crashing on the ground. Allen soon felt two pairs of strong arms carry him. He looked up seeing it was Tyki holding him he clutched Tyki's shirt tightly trying to focus his vision again but failed.

Soon after, Allen glanced back and saw everyone charging at them, yelling and trying their best to get Allen back from the Noah.

But wasn't I a Noah to them?

Allen glanced around his vision blurred as he saw a certain blue hair samurai walk out of the great hall. Kanda, I hope we meet again soon. With that Allen went numb. He couldn't feel anything nor could he hear anything. His vision blurred even more as he started to see black dots come into view.

Soon his body went motionless in Tyki's arm as they entered Roads door and disappeared from sight.

This was only the beginning of the end.


A/N: Hey guys, so this is an updated version of chapter one I really hope its a bit better than the other version. Over the course of the days, I'll be updating revised versions of the chapters. I really didn't like how some of the wording or dialogue was written and so I decided to change it. I might keep the dialogue the same if I feel like it sounds good. Soo enjoy this revised version and give feedback so I can see what I should change or keep the same. 

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