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"Thomas is hot. Wait, no, Dylan O'Brien is hot. I mean he does play Thomas," I rephrasel. I just kept switching the channels.

"I know right. Why do I even read the book. It's the same thing as the movie so far," she dropped the book beside her and sighed.

"Jamie, the book is way better and different from the movie," I chuckled. "Plus, you barley got to the second chapter," she playfully punched me as I pushed her away. "So what ever happened with you and Aaron?" I asked.

"He called me." She stayed silent for a few seconds. "He said that he would be down to hang out sometime," a smirk appeared on her face making me squeal.

"Oh my god! How do you feel about it?" I asked smirking at her.

"Nervous as hell," she smiled. "I just don't want to mess this up," she sighed.

"You won't. Be yourself around him. I mean i'm sure you can at least try to do that," I gestured with my hand.

"I still can't believe we got high," Jamie laughed as she pinched the bridge of her nose. "I mean what was I thinking,"

"I know. That was so weird," I snorted. "Ethan kept checking in on me. I just told him to sit and relax,"

"Hey," speaking of.

"Hey, Ethan," Jamie said getting up. "I'm gonna go home. Cameron keeps texting me to get home and it's annoying," she rolled her eyes. She made her way out as Ethan smiled at her.

"Hey," I smiled at him as he sat down with a bag from Panda.

"Thought you might be hungry," he shrugged.

"Thank you. You need to stop doing this though," I leaned in to peck him on the lips. He shook his head and opened the bag.

"I want to, baby," he handed me my food. We both started eating as we watched tv.

"Hey, I was meaning to ask you how the mall went with the twins?" Ethan asked, glancing at me.

"It went great. We went to a few shops. Maybe hit the food court like four times," I chuckle. "They're Youtubers," I say making Ethan stop eating.

"I didn't even know." I shrugged my shoulders as I picked up some teriyaki. 

"That's pretty cool," he says in a monotone. He looked down for a few seconds until he closed his food and set the box on the coffee table.

"We should go out tonight," he scooted closer towards me and grabbed me by the waist "Besides, if you think about it we've never been on a date... like as a couple," he said smirking.

"Alright, Where do you wanna take me?" I smiled and glanced up at him.

"How about this... Grayson and I got invited to this small gathering at an old friends." His voice goes soft. "After the party we'll head to the beach,"

"Oooo. The beach?" I chuckled. "Sounds like a plan then. What time is this party?" I furrowed my brows.

"8:00." He smiles.

"Should I go all out?" I asked. "Maybe a dress, but I want you to be comfortable," he says.

"A dress won't be too hard to wear. Okay, then," I gave him a sweet smile as I continued eating.

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