Round Two - Grammie's Recipe

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Brown paper packages tied up in string. Three boxes sat in a pyramid at my doorstep that afternoon. I inspected the boxes, trying to find the return address. None could be found.

Bringing the boxes in, I set them on the kitchen counter. Quickly, I forgot them and watched television in my living room. However, as I passed into the kitchen to grab a drink, I found one of the boxes open. 

Paper from the open box had spread from the kitchen to my bedroom door. The door was open yet, I knew I closed it. Chills running up my spine, I grabbed a bat that I kept in case of intruders. Entering the room, my suspicions multiplied. For some odd reason, there was a fashionable plate with leaves and fruits stroked by paintbrush. I picked up the plate, inspecting every inch of the room, and went back out into the kitchen. 

This time the second box was opened with its packing peanuts crumbled all over the floor. I froze where I stood. Right in front of me was a glass of icy milk with condensation dripping thirstily down the side of the cup. I shut my eyes for a moment, trying to figure out what had just happened. 

Suddenly, the feeling of the plate in my hand was gone. I opened my eyes to see that the plate sat on the counter, hungrily waiting... for something. 

With anticipation, I looked towards the third box. That box was indeed open, but as I went to look inside it, nothing was there. I turned back to the plate and cup to find that the plate was now holding items of chocolatey goodness. Cookies! A note was folded up and sat by the dessert display. 

"From Grammie." The note read in practiced pen. My grandmothers both lived out of the state.I looked up and a phantom in a white nightgown showed itself in front of me. I'd never seen this person before. She tilted her head to the right and waved cheerfully at me. "Keep eating." She whispered in a shrill voice. "And join me." Before it had even registered in my mind, I had already eaten one of the deceitful cookies.

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