Round Three - Puppy Love

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"So much snow. Many white snowflakes fluttering down from the night sky. Eat the fresh snow. Not yellow snow, yellow is bad."

"Scents. So many smells washing in my nose. If only you could smell the crispy, cold scents too. However, nothing shall compare to your wonderful scent."

"We can get through this together. Nothing matters more to me than you. I will make sure that you get to the top. We must make it over a few more snowy hills."

"There is a great view at the top. It is a scene that gives me goosebumps. Just like every time I look at you."

"Hear that? Water is running near the top. We should take a break up there."

 "Good thing that I have fur. My fur is black and helps to protect from the cold."

"I've never seen other dogs up here. It is safe to think that only I come up here. With you, of course."

"I am loyal. I am a good dog. I will take you with me where ever I go. Because you are my bone and I love you."

"Other dogs try to get you. They always fail, too. I am so good at hiding you."

"What a beautiful night it is tonight. If only you could see."

"You would see the stars and snow mingling together. Just like you and me."

"Snow is piling up and it covers this mountain as if everything is just hills of snow. It is fun to play in the snow, very fun."

"You are my bone and I must protect. I am loyal and I am good. You will be safe under all this snow. It is where you can hide."

"Not much longer. We will be at the top soon."

"A couple more hills. Rocks starting to get slippery. Running water up top is causing this."

"Whew! Almost slipped on that rock. No worries though, I won't let you go. You are safe and I am brave and strong."

"You are good to me. You are a good bone. I must keep you safe. The other dogs will never know where I will hide you."

"Just over this last climb and we will take a break by the lake." 

"Good thing climbing keeps me warm. Having black fur helps very much too. I should head home as soon as I hide you. The cold is beginning to bite like it has the jaw of a bear."

"Oh, I hope I don't run into anything like a bear."

"I will make sure nothing happens to you. A bear won't dare to come near us."

"Ah... Here we are. A drink at the lake, as promised."

"Ouch! Lake water is icy. It hurts my nose."

"Where were we? Of course, I must bury you. The other dogs won't even think to look up here. The snow washes away your scent, but I will find you again. This place only I know. It is too beautiful a scene to forget. I hope you can remember always the beauty of this place, even though you are bone."

"Now that I have buried you, I must go back to my master. I hear his voice carrying in the wind."

"Wait... I cannot scent you... I thought for sure that I would be able to scent you through snow. I know your scent so well."

"Fear not, my fair bone. I will find you again come springtime. I will come up here every night once the snow starts to melt away from the blazing springtime sun."

"Bunny! Must chase! Must chase!"

"I will come back for you, my bone! I will never forget you!"

"Gotta chase the bunny!"

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