The Chicago Tylenol Murders

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This one is actually pretty terrifying because this could happen to anyone. If you take tylenol this could've been you. It's pretty unsettling to think about, but hang on and I'll explain it!

The Chicago Tylenol Murders were a series of deaths in Chicago in 1982, due to, well..taking tylenol. Now it wasn't the actual tylenol that was doing the killing, the tylenol had been processed through drug tampering. All of the victims had taken tylenol that was laced with potassium cyanide, which is terrifying. In the original poisoning only seven people died (I say only seven, but that's alot of people to be murdered) and then other unknown people began to copy the idea and that led to more deaths. There really isn't much evidence on who could've possibly tampered with the tylenol, because obviously it's a huge company and all employees could be suspects, so there wasn't really any way to eliminate people.

• Mary Kellerman
• Adam Janus
• Mary Reiner
• Mary McFarland
• Stanley & Theresa Janus
• Paula Jean Prince
   I find it strange that three out of seven of the murders were women named Mary, and another set of three had the last name Janus. It's kinda creepy if you ask me.

  So let me know what you think about all of this, I find it super creepy because this could literally happen to anyone, these people weren't specific targets, they were just unfortunate people who happened to take tylenol. Make sure you stick around for the next chapter!

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