Chapter Thirty-two

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After the incident, we immediately thanked the police before heading back to school that night before it was locked up. Mrs. Vandelmen had to carry Laura to the infirmary while Nate and I headed back to the dorm. He didn't question anything about why I was only wearing a huge long-sleeved shirt and just told me to throw it away—which I did. I immediately got changed afterwards only when Nate went out to throw the shirt in the rubbish bin. I didn't want him to see the hickey that Leo had given me, so I wanted to hide it.
    Once he came back, there was a knock on the door. There stood Mrs. Vandelmen and Mrs. Penny. When Mrs. Penny saw that we were okay, she came over and gave us a light hug for a few seconds before letting go with a relieved smile. Mrs. Vandelmen then assured us that Laura was okay and that she had already headed up to her dorm. So, we decided to give her a visit to check up on her.
We made our way upstairs and found her dorm.
I knocked on her door and it immediately creaked open slowly. There stood Laura with quite a big band-aid placed on her cheek where she was cut. She greeted us with a sad smile and welcomed us in.
"Yo, guys . . ." she said, sad smile remained as she sat on a chair. "Is everything okay? How are you, Jone?"
We sat down on the bed that was once Leo's and noticed that his things were still here.
Laura caught us looking and let out a small sad laugh. "Oh, that? I'm going to throw those away—if they aren't of any use . . ."
I looked at Laura and she had her head lowered, messy hair covering one of her eyes.
"Laura, we should be the one asking if you're okay. We're totally fine, but we're worried about you," I told her.
Her lips parted before she pursed them. "I'm fine, really . . . No worries," she smiled at us, but I could tell that she was almost on the verge of crying again.
Nate just stayed quiet and looked at me with a worried look. I looked back at him with a sad smile before placing a hand on Laura's shoulder.
"Hey, don't think about it too much, all right? We're here for you," I said with a genuine smile before withdrawing my hand.
Laura looked at us with a smile. "Thank you, guys. I really appreciate it," she said, rubbing her watery eyes as tears pricked them.
We stayed quiet, hearing her sniffles and soft, sad laughter and her mumbling to herself asking her why she was still crying.
Once she stopped, she looked at us with a sad smile. "I wanna show you guys something." She got up from her seat before heading towards her bed where two bags leaned against the legs of her bed. She approached the light blue one (which I have never seen her bring for lessons) and unzipped it. She reached her hand in and grabbed what turned out to be a light caramel colored bunny plush.
She made her way back to the chair, sitting down before facing the bunny plush towards us. The bunny had black button eyes, a cute pink heart-shaped nose and a red ribbon tied around its neck. I could also see the stitches that were around the bunny's ear where it had been torn. What I dreamt of before was coincidentally what happened to her in the past, it seemed.
"This bunny here is the plush toy that my mom got for me on my seventh birthday," Laura said, playing with the bunny's arm, holding it up to wave at us, causing me to chuckle. "Its name is Caramel because of its color."
    "It's pretty cute," I told her with a smile as I reached my hand out to pat it.
    "Yeah . . ." Laura agreed with a small smile. "It's a remembrance of my parents when they died," Laura paused for a bit before continuing. "That's why . . . when Leo threatened me, I didn't have a choice . . . I'm sorry for all the things I've done to you in elementary school."
    I shook my head with a small smile. "No, it's okay. I understand."
    "Thanks," she said, returning the smile as she hugged the bunny. "You guys can go now. I'm fine, really."
We nodded, standing up.
"We'll see you on Monday, Laura," I told her while Nate nodded.
"Yup. See you guys," Laura said with a smile as she waved.
We headed back to our dorm and once we got in, Nate immediately hugged me.
"I miss you," he said as he buried face in my hair.
I wrapped my arms around his neck, returning the hug with a small smile. "Me too."
I then remembered about his injuries. "Are you okay? Is it still painful?"
"No, not really. I'm fine now," he said with a smile before kissing my forehead.
Once he pulled back, I cupped his face and pulled it back down, smashing my lips against his. I really missed his kiss so I couldn't wait. I was already desperate for his lips to be on mine. He didn't pull away and just deepened the kiss, tightening his grip around my waist.
Usually, he would be the one that shoves his tongue in my mouth and I would just let him dominate. But because I was hungry for more, I took the chance to stick my tongue in his mouth first before he could do anything—but obviously, he didn't let me dominate him.
Our tongues mingled with each other as I moaned into his mouth.
When we pulled away for air, Nate looked at me with a smirk. "Trying to take lead this time, huh?"
I smirked back, licking my lips. "It's obvious, isn't it? I miss you so much."
Nate let out a chuckle, pecking my lips. "You're way too cute. Even when you try to act cool and all."
I chuckled. "I'm not trying to act cool. I just want to kiss you really badly."
Nate laughed before carrying me and laying me down on his bed as he laid beside me. He snuck his arm around my waist and faced me, pulling me closer to him. I snuggled in his chest as I hugged him back. And we fell asleep softly, probably smiling peacefully.
I was definitely right. Nate's touch was way better than Leo's.

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