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"Go in the living room for a couple minutes, me and Dylan need to talk" Four ordered as he opened up the living room door wide enough for me to walk threw.

I sighed making my way in as he quickly shut the door a few seconds later. I wanted to know more about what they were talking about, maybe it would help me understand what he was talking about this morning.

I collapsed onto one of the sofas, so much for going on a walk up and down the hall, it lasted like a whole couple of seconds.

I slowly reach for the remote switching on the large TV pressing threw the different channels for around five minutes before settling on a cooking show. Some channels were blocked, like the news which didn't surprise me.

I hated cooking, always have and always will. The only thing I could make by myself is a pot n noodle and even then I would always manage to burn myself with hot water.

I stood up from the sofa making my way towards the door quietly pulling it open and creeping my way into the hall.

Maybe I could press my ear against the door and hear what they were saying, it's better than watching Gordon Ramsay shout at the top of his lungs.

I let out a shaky breath placing both my hands on the bedroom door carefully pressing my ear against it. The voices were low and almost not audible but I could make out a few words.

"She doesn't know yet...keep it that way" I recognised Fours faint voice, they must have been standing at his desk, all the way at the other side of the room.

"She doesn't know!...she will have to eventually...she barely looks old enough to even find her mate...you kidnapped her?!" What is guessing Dylan's voice exclaimed slightly louder.

"Fucking keep you're voice down...she's seventeen...I've already got all her records shipped from England...her grandma...but apparently she's also nosey" Fours voice continued before it went completely silent in the room.

My grandma? What about my grandma, did he do something to her? Has he hurt the rest of my family.

My eyes widened as I slowly backed away from the door before it was swung open to revel an angry looking Four.

"Didn't I tell you to stay in the living room" He spat steeping out of the bedroom shutting the door close behind him.

"What did you do to my grandma?" I mumbled staring up at him while taking slow steps backwards down the hallway getting further away from him.

"Jesus Emily, its none of your business what I do. I didn't hurt her, if that's what you're thinking now stop walking away come back here" He sighed.

I stopped walking and stood still, I didn't believe him. If he didn't hurt her then why was he talking about her? Did I pick it up wrong, I couldn't have it sounded muffled but I could tell what he was saying.

He promised not to hurt me but he didn't say anything about my family, he could have killed them for all I know.

"Did you hurt my family?" I asked.

"No for fucks sake, why should I need to hurt them if I already have you. You heard me wrong from your fucking ease dropping" Four swore shaking his head at me.

I hoped he was telling the truth, maybe I did hear it wrong.


"So Emily how long have you been here for?" Dylan asked as he plopped down on the end of the sofa.

"Too long" I mumbled diverting my eyes from Dylan to the TV that was currently playing The Huger Games, I had already watched this movie back home once or twice.

"Watch it" Four warned from the sofa he was sitting behind me earning a small laugh to be released from Dylan.

I looked over at Dylan to see a smirk playing on his face as he pulled out his phone from his pocket. I haven't seen my phone in weeks, my guess is probably still in that forest when I fell of that bloody horse.

All my streaks, gone. My social life, gone and the amount of YouTube videos I have missed, also gone. I'm probably never going to have a phone again, use the internet as long as I'm here.

"Can I go on your phone?" I asked already knowing the answer.

Dylan looked up from his phone and over to Four as if he had to ask his permission first. Why did everyone here did what he said? Is it because he was blackmailing them too? Would he blackmail his own brother?

"Stupid question" Four sighed.

"Sorry Emily, boss said no" Dylan sighed looking over at me sending a small smile while he pushed his phone back into his pocket.


"I swear Dylan I'll only be gone for a half an hour at the most and if you let her out of your sight-" Four began.

"Chill, were just going to stay in this living room and watch TV, right Emily?" Dylan interrupted looking over to me with a smile.

I haven't decided if I liked him yet, he could be trying to be nice to me and then he will switch and be just like Four, controlling.

Four sighed leaning down to Dylan's ear whispering something in it before regaining his full height and looking over at me.

"Don't push it Emily" He warned turning around and walking towards the door and pulling it open.

It was now later on in the day and after a couple of hours of watching TV four had to tend to a business emergency, I didn't want to know and I'm sure he wouldn't want to tell me.

"She won't, I won't." Dylan exclaimed pushing Four the rest of the way out of the door and closing it behind him before turning around and throwing me a grin.

I opened my mouth to speak but he quickly put his finger to his mouth for a few seconds taking a few steps before falling back on the sofa.

"Right, I'm going to tell you something but you need to promise you won't tell Four which I'm guessing won't be hard for you. I spoke to Maggie, your grandma. Don't ask how or why please don't, she wants to see you. So in a few days I'm going to convince Four to leave me alone to babysit you for a couple of hours and then we can go. I'm not promising anything, this could completely fail and I'm pretty sure I have a death wish, but this is the reason I'm back" Dylan rushed out leaning forward forward. "But don't look at this as your token out, I wouldn't do that to my brother, you're his mate and I couldn't imagine taking you away from him. But I owe your grandma" Dylan added.

My eyes widened, I was going to see her. I could be getting out, maybe she will help me out. But how does she know where I am, why hasn't she called the police? Maybe she will be waiting with some.

I looked at Dylan before springing forward and wrapping my arms around him. I was finally going to get out.

Thanks BrunetteBookJunkie01

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