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"Can you help?" Four stepped out off the bathroom his hands fumbling around his neck as he struggled to put his tie on for the past ten minutes. My eyes trailed over him as he wore a white shirt that made his muscles stand out and a pair of black trousers that matched the black tie and jacket that was currently on the back off his chair. Why did he have to look so perfect in a suit. I wished now that he was wearing a t shirt and shorts to his wedding as the suit reminded me and the tears I was trying to hold down that it was almost time.

Before he could notice me swallowing back the tears that were threatening to come out I rolled my eyes and made my way towards him as I lead him over to his seat for him to sit down so I could reach better.

I stood in front of him as i undone the mess he had created and began to do up a tie that I had learned from my days at primary and secondary school. It felt weird doing a tie now, I hadn't done one in so long.

"How do you know how to do a tie?" He asked as I felt his eyes burn into me as I kept my eyes on the tie I was doing.

"How do you not know how to do a tie? Your in your twenties" I asked genuinely because I didn't know how that was possible and because I really didn't think I wouldn't be able to say something sarcastic without sounding like I was going to cry. I didn't know why I was being such a baby about this.

We hadn't talked about Theresa at all, Four didn't bring it up and when we got home he wasn't in the mood to talk as he let me pick out a movie to watch. It was weird because usually he's away all day and I'm at school and when I'm not I'm at grandmas so I don't know when the last time we actually sat down
together like this and we're getting on.

"Please don't cry love" I felt Four's hand on my cheek softly wiping away the tears I didn't even realise were falling down my face as I stepped back turning around not even realising that I was crying.

"I'm okay" I mumbled reaching up to my face to find that it was still wet despite Four wiping it. Why was I the one being such a baby about this? Four was the one that has the right to be annoyed, he's the one that has to get married to a stranger.


"I'll be back soon" Four mumbled into my neck as we stood on Preston's front porch about twenty minutes away from him getting married. The only thing distracting me was the fact that I'd be in too much Pain soon to be crying over this, instead I'd be crying over physical pain, and the fact that Preston was about to be hit with a million questions that I wanted to ask Four but didn't want to annoy him.

I nodded closing my eyes, for the first time I was feeling really grateful for Four, I never thought I would ever think that but here we are. He was doing this for me so I promised that I wouldn't be such if a brat to him from now on.

I felt his grip loosen around my waist and I knew the time I had been dreading was approaching fast, I shook my head. What's a little bit of pain for a lifetime without having to be involved with Fours pack. This way I would never have to be involved with anything more to do with traditions, fuck knows what traditions they have to do with children, at least I got out of that one. Wait does that mean Four and Theresa will have to have children? I shook my head, I wasn't helping myself.

"Good luck" I managed to give him a small smile as he took a few steps back. I didn't mean a word of it honestly, not now anyway but I tried to convince myself it would be worth it.

Four opened his mouth as if he was about to say something but closed it before the look in his eyes turned into a cold stare and he turned around walking towards his truck. I quickly tore my eyes off him and pushed myself to go and open Prestons door because I didn't want to say anything that would stop him. I was about to step inside of the house when I heard Fours car door slam loud making me jump but not enough to turn around.

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