day 10

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I woke up, I wasn't dead, I had a headache, and I was cold, I was in water, with a floaty on? WAIT...were was sean, " SEAN, SEAN. WERE ARE YOU? HELOOOOO" "Y/N, Y/N" I heard someone shout. IT WAS SEAN. we swam to eachother, and hugged, he had no floaty, so he was tired, I let him lean on me. I asked what happen, he said the plane went down, and I passed out before the plane hit the water. and sean put a floaty on me. but he seemed to have lost me. I asked if anyone else survived, he shook his head and sighed. We were stuck in the middle of the ocean, no phone, no food and no water...drinkable water. he started crying, but he wasn't crying, I asked what was wrong, he said "his week was meant t be our honeymoon, perfect and sweet, and mark anf felix would plan a welcome home party, but no, that guy had to be on the phone, AND TO WHO, his maid." " calm down honey being in a bad mood will make it worse" I said. I kissed him, he said " ok babe what do we do" " well for starters I see the plane over there we can gather food, maby water, and we can also maby make a raft. it will be just like when you played raft, remember that babe" "yeah" "well lets do it" "you know Y/N, I don't know how I would survive without you" we swam atleast 100 metres to the plane and we got a lot of cool stuff, the plane was floating so we were gonna sleep there for the night. I found some food from first class like, choc bars, m and ms, and lots of other sweets,  I also found a shit ton of water bottles and wine so we only ate a little bit of out salvage, but it was good. I couldn't sleep, so I hugged sean.

I started thinking about what life would be like without sean, if I was back with my family, felix, mark and sean were my family now. I started crying, sean woke up and asked what was wrong. I told him everything.  he kissed me and hugged me tighter.

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