I'm sorry!

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written: september 2nd

(I'm not English I'm sorry if I spelled any disease or organ wrong those are still hard for me) hey y'all. I owe you an apology. the past month and a half .. I've had been getting more tired as the weeks went on. at first I just started thinking: ah I just need have some more sleep, drink more water, eat healthier etc. but it was just getting worse. to a point where I couldn't even walk to the bathroom or sit up straight  on the couch without being out of breath. I also lost most my appetite (and I love to eat literally all the food that exists on this planet so this broke my heart lmao I missed food)  and often vomited severly. I also have vitiliago all over my hands and face (which sucks but atleast I can put make-up on my face. kinda stuck when it comes to my hands lol I'll just have to learn how to live with it). so you understand that me and my parents were a bit concerned bc at one point I couldn't even function properly anymore. so last monday we went to the doctor but they didn't really find anything but they didn't really trust it so eventuelly I could visit the hospital that day. they just took my blood and we would discuss the results wednesday afternoon. so wednesday afternoon we discussed my blood results with a doctor there and they thought it would best if I was admitted so I was admitted and the next day they did 10000 tests and eventually found out what I have. I was diagnosed with Addison's disease which is (I'll try to keep it short and easy lol) where my adrenal cortex doesn't make the hormones its' supposed to make by itself which results in me having to take medicine to regulate. it's also the hormone spot that regulates stress hormones so in the past I couldn't really deal with stress well bc of that. little did I know lol I thought I was just a sensitive lil bitch but yeah that's why I was MIA. rn (3 and a half days later) I'm still in the hospital but getting slightly better. Now I'm just resting and giving blood to the doctors lmao. I don't know why I explained it in so much detail but I just love to be open with y'all ❤ I know 99% didn't even understand what I was talking about but that's okay. if you have questions feel free to ask. I don't know when my next update will be. but probably when I feel better. love yaaaaa xo

update september 3rd:
I'm home rn and the medicine is really kicking in and I feel like it's working pretty well so these updates aren't far along lol ❤

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