15 | It's Great to be Back

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They were fast asleep. All three of them.

I would have been too, if the wound on my right arm didn't hurt every three seconds of me falling into sleep. Keeping quiet, I forced my body off the ground with one hand and gasped for air the second I managed to hoist myself up.

The gauze needed changing, but it would take three centuries for me to do everything myself. That being said, I was preparing to sacrifice sleep for a stupid arm. I found my way through the dark and entered the bathroom, making sure the door clicked softly shut before I dared turn on the lights.

My hair was a bundled mess. I grabbed the brush and combed through my hair for a while before using the same black ribbon I've been using to tie my hair into a high ponytail. While I was in the process of cleaning myself up, I did myself a favor and washed my face as well.

Two years and five decades later, I exit the bathroom feeling exhausted and defeated. The gauze wrapping was changed.


I glanced at the clock and an irritable thought crossed my mind.

According to my mission, I was to follow Allison Frances wherever she went and protect her from being assassinated.

However, said assassinators were knocked dead out on the bed, snoring.

I don't think I want to go. Suddenly, a quiet ringer went off from my phone. My eyes widened immediately and I quickly went to snatch it up before it woke the whole crew.

Opening the contact, my breath hitched as I realized who it was.

"Axel??" I exclaimed under my breath, quickly checking to see that the screen brightness was all the way off.

"Hey," He greeted me in the calm, yet playful voice that I knew.

"Why now," I whined, though it was short-lived. I was glad to talk to him again, no doubt. It's just the place, the time, the people here...

It wasn't exactly the best moment to have a conversation.

"Just checking up on you..." Axel replied, "Hey, what's wrong? You're not whining cause I woke you up from your sleep, are you?"

Oh yeah. Sleep. Forgot that existed.

"... No," I answered, scratching my head slowly.

"How's the mission going?" he changed the topic.

"I uh," I began, silently cursing myself in my head for not being a better liar when he interrogates me.

Axel would freak out if I told him that not only was the mission going smoothly, but I was also currently sleeping with both of my enemies, and I'm raising a baby with them.

Haha, no way in hell could I tell him. Someone else would have to do that, I'm out.

"She's great, Axel. How've you been buddy?"

Yeah, like that person. Thank you so much for-



My head snapped to the bed and although it was pitch black inside the room besides the faint glow of light on the side of my face from my phone, I could tell Liam was up.

And he was staring at me too.

"Who... in the fucking hell is that," Axel's voice came menacingly through the phone, his tone suddenly dropping three octaves.

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