17 | Antoinette, Charles, & Wendy

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"Lennon, get up," Liam sneered into my blocked ears, "Stop stalling."

I didn't know what he meant. It was getting harder to hear.

"..." I tried. I tried saying something. I tried moving something.

I was losing conscious.

Damn it!

Wake up, Jamie. Wake up.

I could barely open my eyes, but Liam was holding my form, which was leaning against him, by the shoulders. My face scrunched up in pain as I gasped for air, to which little came to my aid.

"Lennon, why-"

"Liam, she's bleeding," the girl from behind exclaimed, rushing forward and to his side.

Liam frowned and looked back at me, examining my back. No doubt, the bullet hadn't missed its target.

He turned back to me and leveled his face with mine, getting my attention as I strained my eyes to keep open.

"WHY DON'T YOU HAVE ON A BULLET-PROOF SUIT," he shouted angrily, tightening his grip on my arms so that I could regain balance.

It wasn't working. My legs buckled out and I fell to my knees, grunting inaudibly.

"W-Why..." I tried, still gasping quietly for air, "are you... so... mad.... for..." I was heaving big breaths to make up for the bullet jammed into my system and destroying my organs.

"Isn't this... what you... wanted?" I choked, curling up due to the pain. I couldn't stop the blood myself since it was located on my back. My bloodied mouth stopped forming words and my throat stopped producing sound. I had stopped talking. It was too difficult. It hurt.

It hurt a lot. My body was heating up abruptly and I was sweating. All my limbs lost its ability to function, and my eyes gradually began to droop.

"Jamie, wake up!" I heard him shout.

Why..? Why should I? What happened?

My head felt heavy.


Beep beep.



Would everyone be quiet? I'm trying to sleep.

A minute of laying there and I realized my head and back hurt. The pain accumulated the more awake I became.

What was going on?

Jamie, think.

I hope that's my name...

What happened in the last few hours? Why does my head hurt? Why does my back-

I went for him and the two of us made eye contact as he aimed his gun at my chest and I at his forehead. My breath hitched.

The barrel was too close.

In that moment, the girl had spun around and pulled the trigger on me.

Everyone was breathing hard, and I couldn't tell the distance between me and that bullet. I tried moving, dodging, something.

It made contact with my skin and pierced right through my lower back.

I choked out blood.

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