Chapter 3

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7/22/2019: Updated to the published version.

I wouldn't say I was worried about the boys' reaction as I walked into school on Monday. I was, at least a little, but I would never say so.

I behaved normally, but other people smiled, waved, and whispered to each other while looking at me with admiration in their eyes. I returned small smiles and waves of acknowledgement as if this was standard. In reality, I was confused.

A few of the bet girls knew I was going to mess with the boys but not when or how. That meant the boys must have told people what happened. That surprised me. Whatever they said, people apparently liked it. Was that because they expected a dramatic show when the boys retaliated? Or was it because they loved what I did? Had they even been told the truth?

I arrived in English before Brad and took my seat. I caught myself tapping my toes on the floor and stopped. I was a cocktail of one part nervous, four parts excited, and five parts impatient. If a shoe was going to drop, I wanted it to drop now, but I wanted to look normal and unconcerned. Normal. Normal. There he is.

Brad stood at the front of my row, three empty desks between us, and stared at me for a moment with his hands on his hips. He tried to keep his expression bland but didn't quite succeed. There was a mischievous glint in his eyes. He was obviously going to do or say something but was making me wait.

One part nervous, two parts excited, two parts angry at having to wait longer, and still five parts impatient, I thought I was more successful in keeping a straight face. I was paying attention to my every muscle, prepared for battle. I raised my eyebrows— What are you going to do, Bradley?

A grin broke out on his face. He ripped his white uniform shirt open, the buttons flying off. Pings sounded from the floor and a desk. One guy in the front row said, "Hey!" after being hit in the face. Brad's unexpected action did make me jolt.

Underneath Brad's Oxford was a white T-shirt with black writing: "I love Ally Thompson 4EVER!"

A laugh shot out of me. I covered my mouth as my laughter continued in a softer manner. I certainly didn't expect that reaction but was very amused by it. I kissed my palm, laid it out flat, and blew across it in Brad's direction.

He caught my kiss and slapped it onto his mouth as he grinned back at me. The teacher yelled at him, and he took his seat next to me with a smirk. The whole class was laughing uproariously until the teacher took control.

In French class, Taylor ripped open his shirt. "I worship Ally Thompson 4EVER!" I blew him a kiss as well.

Scott got me in Physics, just before lunch with, "I respect and adore Ally Thompson 4EVER!" That was my favorite. Respect was good.

All three wore their uncovered T-shirts at lunch. When I walked in the cafeteria, the whole student body stood up and cheered for me, clapping wildly and yelling. I grinned and took a bow before I sat down with my girls.

Tanya said, "Tell us everything!"

As soon as I opened my mouth, several girls I hardly knew slid into seats at our table and focused on me. One of them took out her phone and started recording me on video. I gave them the facts, and Mary said, "That's exactly what the boys said."

Britney laughed. "Yeah, but their version was peppered with several exclamations about how hot she looked."

Tanya said, "Brad totally believed you. He thought he was going to have the best day of his life until you didn't come back. He found the other guys. They checked around the house and realized they had been had."

Giggles erupted around the table, and I smiled. I was surprised the boys told the truth. I supposed they liked and respected that I had been able to fool them, which had been their aim with me and the other girls. I expected retaliation, not respect. This was good. I hoped the games would end.

Britney said, "They were so impressed. They've been telling everyone about it and saying you're hot, brave, cool, amazing, smart, badass—"

Tanya interrupted, "Yeah, and now they all say they are head over heels in love with you. Not like they lied about being with others in the past, but truly this time. They even refuse to bet on it. They just say may the best man win."

I asked, "Win what?"

Tanya grinned. "Your hand in marriage."

I laughed, but the girls were quiet, looking at me with surprise. "Come on. You don't for a minute believe that shit?" It must be a joke.

An arm went around my waist from behind, and I whipped my head around to look. Brad was on his knees beside me, smiling. "Believe it, angel. You're the girl of my dreams. I'll die if you don't spend the rest of your life with me."

I pushed at his forehead and groaned. "Idiot!"

He pulled away from my hand and shook his hair out of his eyes in that sexy way he had down pat. "I don't care how much you abuse me, love. I think it's hot."

His left arm was still around my waist. I frowned at him, irked by this new twist in the game. "Don't make me get a restraining order or, God forbid, tell my father."

He pulled his arm back and raised both hands in a gesture of surrender, but he was still smiling. "I won't harass you, angel. I just had to tell you how I feel." His eyes fell to my mouth, and he sucked in his lower lip as if imaging how I taste. He let it go and looked back at my eyes. "I can wait, Ally. I'm in it for keeps this time. I'll wait until our wedding night to make love to you."

Deciding again that this must be a joke, I played along. I put my elbow on the table and propped my chin on my fist. "Really?"

"Uh huh." He nodded and smiled.

"Will you sign a prenuptial agreement that if we get divorced, I get all your money?"

"Yes." No hesitation.

"How much money do you have?"

He frowned. "Not much right now. I'll get a couple of trust funds at different ages, and I stand to inherit a ton of it." He smiled again.

"Hmm..." I pretended to think about it. "I'll think on it and get back to you. Oh! I know. Have your father's lawyer send me a statement detailing what you get and when."

He grinned and leaned closer to me. "I will, angel." With that, he stood up and walked away.

The girls were all gawking at me.

I laughed. "Not a damn chance in hell."

Tanya said, "His family is extremely wealthy."

"I don't give a shit. My father couldn't buy my love, and no one else will be able to either. It was a joke. Brad should know that. Besides, my father already has plenty of money, and I'm his only child. I don't need more damn money." I didn't like money because of the way my father worshiped it. I didn't want to be flat broke and homeless but would be perfectly fine in a little bitty house with a cheap car.

Taylor and Scott kept flirting with me as well, telling me how much they loved and wanted me, forever. It was somewhat amusing, somewhat irritating.

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