Chapter 9

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7/22/2019: Updated to the published version.

Taylor found me as soon as I walked into school on Monday. "What was Brad talking about online?"

I shook my head. "I didn't see anything. I haven't been on there since yesterday afternoon."

He showed me his phone. "Brad Sullivan > Ally Thompson: Thanks for last night babe! It was fantastic. Looking forward to a repeat!" Of course my friends were going nuts in the comments. They asked a ton of questions, but Brad didn't respond.

I looked back up at Taylor's face and shook my head. "He didn't tell you? Usually you guys know everything I've done within seconds."

Taylor frowned. "No, he's not talking, which has me more worried than ever."

I shook my head again and started walking to my locker. Taylor followed, and I told him, "He came to my house for dinner last night. My father invited him, and he ate with me and my dad. Afterwards, we watched a movie. That's it. He seems to be implying we had sex, which is not the case."

Taylor smirked. "Yeah. He's trying to drive me and Scott nuts by posting that and not saying anything else. It's so vague, it could mean anything." He pressed his back to the lockers next to mine as I got my things together for my morning classes. "So... nothing else at all? You didn't kiss him?"

I figured if I denied it, they would try to throw it in Brad's face, and he'd tell them anyway. It gave me more power to distribute the information myself. "Yeah, we kissed. It was more making out."

Taylor gasped. "You made out with him?"

"Yeah." I closed my locker up, twirled the lock, and looked at Taylor. "I was curious. It was a one-time deal. I had the experience and learned from it."

"So you aren't going to kiss him again?"

I shook my head. "No."

He smirked. "What about me?"

I smiled. "Yeah. I think I'll kiss you again. In fact..." I moved in front of him and pushed my hands up his chest. "I think I'll kiss you right now." He beamed at me, no sarcasm in it at all. I pressed my lips to his and kissed him until he was breathless with it. I didn't feel much of a spark myself, but it wasn't disgusting or anything. His arms enfolded around me, hugging me to him, and I felt him get excited.

It felt good to play with him, amusing, lighthearted, and I needed to bring Brad down a peg after the previous night. The bell rang, and I stepped back. He let me go immediately.

I glanced down the empty hall. "Shit. We're going to be late."

He had a goofy smile on his face. "Uh huh."

I laughed. "See you later, Taylor. You better get to home room, or you'll get a detention."

As I hurried down the hall to my classroom, he shouted, "Soo worth it, Ally!" and I laughed.

People in home room were smirking at me, so I guessed we were seen in the hallway. It should be getting to Brad any second now. I sat there thinking about it and laughed out loud when I realized Taylor and Brad were in the same home room. People looked at me again, and I pressed my lips together. I pictured Taylor stumbling into the classroom late and sitting down with that goofy grin on his face.

When I walked into English, I could see immediately by Brad's expression that he had heard. He sat there with his arms folded across his chest and a meditative frown on his face. He didn't even look at me, and I thought that was good. Maybe he would give up.

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