he's gone

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A gasp could be heard through the empty Thomas household when Reagan flipped the television on to the local news channel.

"This is Cathryn Lewis, reporting for NBC News here in Los Angeles at the Taylor household. It seems as though a 17 year old male has been kidnapped from his home in the middle of the night. His mother returned from a late night at her company around 1:30 in the morning to find her son gone and their locks broken. It's a swirling mystery here in Los Angeles. Who took this young man, and why?"

Reagan sunk into the sectional couch, "Oh my god," she audibly whispered. "Oh my god," she continued, "This is actually happening."

She fumbled over the couch cushions and clamped onto her phone, pulling up the call function. Scrolling through the contacts list, her finger landed on the R's. She tapped on Elena Rasso, her closest friend since, well, forever, and shakily put the device up to her ear.


"Oh my god, Elena.. El, they.. They took him! He's gone."

"I'll be right over."

yeah, yeah, i get it, save your complaints.

its uber short!!!!!!!

but i just started school (wowowowow!!1!!!111! sooo fun) and im busy af

but hopefully another chap. later dis week ????

also yea so its been like 5 months or smthing like that ik

qotc : what country do ya live in?

a : usa [aka im probably going to die soon considering all hell has broken loose]

welp c ya

welp c ya

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2017 ⏰

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