Snake Eyes {23}

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                I walked into the school, Shaw right next to me. His eyes darted around the main lobby to look out for Maxx or Chandler. When he didn’t spot them, he pulled me along towards my locker.

                I exchanged my books and stood up. Shaw bit his lip nervously. “Mark, I have to go to the art wing. You can come with me if you want,” he said, glancing at his cell phone to check the time.

                “I’ll be late to first period. I’ll be fine Shaw,” I said, forcing a weak smile.

                Shaw gave me a concerned look before nodding and heading off towards the art wing. I glanced around before making my way towards first period.

                “Hey Mark!”

                I froze as Chandler’s voice penetrated my ears. I slowly spun to face him and Maxx. Chandler was grinning. He nudged Maxx and nodded at me. A small smirk grew on Maxx’s face.

                “I’m leaving,” I said quietly.

                Chandler snickered and his eyes shot to Maxx’s face expectantly. Kids were watching us curiously.

                “What Mark? Are you mad I took your virginity? You easy piece of shit,” Maxx said, shaking his head in amusement.

                Kids began to whisper to each other, some laughing. My face grew pale as I stared at Maxx in hurt. Why did he have to do that? What did he gain from breaking my heart and then humiliating me?

                “Watch out Maxx, he’s zoning out again. Must be remembering how it felt to be on his knees,” Chandler said, his smirk growing. More kids laughed, Maxx included.

                Chandler nudged Maxx again. Maxx gave him a small nod before stepping towards me. Something flash through his eyes. His smirk grew and he glanced around before speaking.

                “Mark, you’re pathetic. You’re easy. You’re weird. You’re unattractive as fuck. You’re terrible in bed. You’re annoying and clingy,” he said coldly, but with that same stupid smirk still on his face.

                Chandler nodded eagerly. “You were, and never will be, anything more than just a game to Maxx. No one will ever love you. Maxx sure as hell never did. You got played, you fucking dumbass,” he said smugly.

                My heart dropped and I had that sick feeling again. Maxx and Chandler watched me in amusement.

                “Goodbye, number five,” Maxx said and he and Chandler laughed before turning and leaving to go to class.

                I stumbled down the hall, away from the kids who had been watching. I leaned against a random locker and squeezed my eyes shut tightly, trying desperately not to break down.

                “Aw, is the pussy gonna cry?”

                I jumped at the sound of Joey’s voice. He and Glen grinned at me and stepped forward. Joey’s grin got wider.

                “Saw that whole display back there. Such a shame, you fucking cock sucker. I guess you don’t have Maxx and Chandler to protect you anymore, you helpless pathetic faggot,” he said smugly.

                He took another step forward and gripped my shirt tightly, holding me against the locker. He glanced at Glen.

                “Ready to beat up this faggot? It was his stupid friend that hurt your arm,” Joey said.

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