Snake Eyes {27}

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                                                                                ***Mark’s POV***

                “I am in misery, there ain’t nobody who can comfort me!”

                “Shut up,” I groaned at my iPod. Jude meowed his protest as I shifted to change the song. I stroked his fur to calm him down before he bit me or something.

                There was a knock on my door and I groaned as I got up and opened it. Shaw grinned and entered my room, holding up a bag of popcorn smugly.

                “Come on! Teen Wolf is on Netflix. We’re going to cheer you up,” he announced, patting me on the back before moving to my TV and turning it on.

                “Shaw, I don’t want to watch TV,” I said quietly, sitting on my bed and watching him.

                “Dude, come on. You need to cheer up!” Shaw protested as he turned on my Wii and went to Netflix. “But okay, we can watch something else. Something that will cheer you up. How about An American Werewolf in London? You love that movie! Or Eating Out! Come on, you love that movie more than you love me.”

                I shook my head and sighed. “Shaw, I just don’t feel like watching TV. Especially not movies about hot gay guys who end up happy,” I said, feeling my mood sink.

                Shaw frowned and set the remote and the popcorn down on my desk. He sat next to me and pulled me into his lap. I shifted and rested my head on his shoulder as he wrapped his arms around me comfortingly.

                “I miss him,” I said silently.

                “You still love Maxx?”

                I nodded.

                Shaw sighed sadly. “Mark, he’s not good for you. He just played you. Why would you want to go back to him? Please don’t go back to him, no matter what he says or does. I can’t stand to see you like this. You’re my best friend. I hate seeing you in this much pain.”

                I looked deeply into Shaw’s eyes. “Shaw, I love him. But I won’t go back to him,” I said, hating those words. I wanted to go back to him. Of course I did. I was in love with him. But Shaw was right. This pain was too much. Maxx had just used me. I was just a game to him. That’s all I would ever be to him.

                Shaw fell back with me in his arms and spooned against my body. I turned in his arms so that I could bury my face in his chest. He gently ran a hand through my hair and gave me a weak smile.

                “You’re stronger than this Mark,” he whispered.

                “Am I, Shaw? Am I really? I don’t think I am. I’m just Mark Luce. Weak. Pathetic. Stupid. Clingy.” I wet my lips and stopped talking, feeling my emotions threatening to choke me up.

                Shaw tightened his grip on me. “No. You’re none of that. You’re Mark Luce. You’re my best friend, and you’re stronger than this. I know you are Mark. You zone out a lot and you fell for Maxx’s trick. So what? Don’t let it destroy you. You’re too good of a person to let this destroy you,” he said fiercely.

                “Shaw…thank you,” I whispered, wishing I had the words to let Shaw know just how grateful I truly was for having him as a best friend.

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