Chapter One

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My eyes were closed and I was currently in the middle of an internal pep talk: You can do this... It's just one night... You don't even have to touch anyone... Think of the money... It's just one night...

I took one deep breath, then another, and finally pushed the door that led into the back of the club.

My heart pounded painfully in my chest as I looked around the back halls of Club Deviant, the sex club where my best friend, Kyrie, worked, and the last place I ever thought I'd be.

"Look, Scar, it's just one night," Kyrie had assured me when she'd suggested I sign on to work with her at the Club for their Harem Nights themed event.

Club Deviant was an underground club that was very exclusive and almost impossible to find. Unless you worked there, or were invited to become a client, you'd have no idea the place even existed.

The first time Kyrie had told me where she'd been working and what she'd been doing, I'd thought she was full of shit. I mean, I knew Kyrie loved sex... lots of it, and she didn't discriminate. Black or white, man or woman, large or small, it didn't matter to Kyrie. If there was an attraction, chemistry, or the right kind of equipment, she was game. She just loved getting off.

I, on the other hand, was much more selective. Kyrie often called me a prude, and I had to admit, she was kind of right. I'd only been with two men in my twenty-four years, and neither of them had made me want to bust out the whips and chains and get really dirty. I'd waited until I was twenty and in college before I'd even lost my virginity.

That's why, when Kyrie asked me to come work at the club for a night, I'd laughed until my sides hurt.

"I'm being serious," Kyrie said with a huff as she hit me upside the head with a pillow. "We don't have enough girls for the Harem scene, and my boss said they'd be willing to pay double to anyone we found to fill in for the night. As in, both of us would be paid double... as long as you pass their exam and sign the non-disclosure. That's cash money in your pocket when you leave."

"How much?" I asked when I finally caught my breath. Not that I'd actually been considering it, but Kyrie knew I needed money.

I was behind on my rent, phone, cable, and car insurance. Being a secretary at a law firm didn't pay enough to cover my bills and my shopping habit. I knew I needed to grow up and start prioritizing, but I'd dug myself into such a deep hole, that I was having a hard time getting back on my feet.

"Ten grand for the night," she answered, and I nearly choked.

"For one night?" I asked, with disbelief.


"What would I have to do?"

I couldn't believe I was even asking, but ten grand would be enough for my bills, and then some.

"I'll take you in to get tested and sign the NDA. Once you're cleared, we'll get you fitted for your costume. Then, you show up Saturday night, meet up with everyone else in the dressing room and get ready. We'll all head to the room together and get set up. Once we're set, they'll let in the client and it'll be showtime."

"Showtime?" I asked, my stomach clenching as my mind raced.

Could I really do this?

"You don't have to do anything you don't want to do," Kyrie assured me. "A few of the girls will be playing part of the harem and just watching those of us who want to participate. You can be one of the girls watching."

Kyrie put her hand on my arm, causing me to lift my eyes from the pillowcase I was squeezing to look into her brilliant blue ones.

"The clients are screened as well, and you have nothing to fear. They cannot touch you without permission. You'll be in lingerie, but will be wearing traditional headdress with a face veil, so no one ever needs to know who you are."

I thought about what I might see, or be asked to do, and then I thought about what it would feel like to be caught up on my bills and rent.

I could start being smarter with my money, actually use a budget, and not have this stress every month when everything came due again.

"No one can touch me without permission?" I clarified.

"Not even a handshake," Kyrie promised.

"Okay, I'll do it."

"Yes!" Kyrie exclaimed as she bounced on my bed. "You won't regret this, I promise. You might even have fun and want to join me there full time."

"Don't get ahead of yourself," I said with a laugh. "Let's get through this night first."

That had been five days ago. I'd passed the medical exam, and signed the NDA. Now all I had to do was go to the dressing room, put on my costume, and watch people have sex.

That shouldn't be too difficult, right? 

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