Chapter Eight

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As I watched Jax walk out, feelings of regret started sneaking in, and I suddenly needed to get the hell out of there.

What the hell had I done?

Got ate out by my best friend, had anonymous sex with my ex-boyfriend, while a group of women participated... all without one drop of alcohol or illegal substance to blame.

I picked up my pretty green lingerie, using it to cover myself as I rushed out of the room and into the dressing room.

I'd just finished taking off my headdress when Kyrie stepped inside.

"Are you okay, Scar?" she asked softly, and I could see that she was worried. Not just about me and my reaction to what went down with Jax, but about what this could mean for our friendship.

"I will be," I promised, then asked, "Could we just agree to never speak of this night again?"

Kyrie's smile was relieved when she replied, "I promise."

"Thanks," I said, then turned to wipe all of the makeup off of my face.

Once I was comfortably in my own clothes, face clean and hair pulled back, I turned to Kyrie and said, "I'm going to head home. Talk to you later?"

"Sure," she replied, then set down her brush and said, "Oh, you ran out of there so quick that you didn't hear, the client left bonuses for all of us girls, they're with the hostess. You can grab yours on the way out."

"Okay, thanks," I said, wondering if it was normal to get a bonus when we were already being paid so much just for participating in the scene.

I knocked on the hostess's door, which was right by the exit, and walked inside when she called for me to enter.

"Which scene?" she asked without looking up from the paperwork before her.

"Uh, harem."


"Emerald green."

The hostess picked up the envelope that said, green, and thrust it toward me, still without looking up.

"Thanks," I said, then got the hell out of there.

Once I was safely in my car, Adele's soothing voice surrounding me, I opened the envelope and looked inside.

There was a folded white piece of paper inside, and when I pulled it out, I saw that it was wrapped around a stack of one hundred dollar bills. I didn't bother to count the money, instead, I frantically pulled the paper out and opened it, desperate to see if there was anything written on it.

1400 Central Square. Noon tomorrow.

I clutched the paper in my hand as I stared unseeing out the windshield.

Did he know who I was, or was he only interested in learning more about the woman in green?

Should I ignore his note and let what happened remain a memory I could hold on to forever, or should I go to Jax and tell him that it was me all along?

My eyes filled with tears as the questions flitted through my mind. I'd loved Jax, with all of my heart, and he'd left me behind without a word.

Should I go there to confront him and find out what happened all those years ago, or just let it go and move on?

I didn't know what the right thing to do was so I decided to go home, have an enormous glass of wine, and sleep on it.

Maybe the morning would bring clarity, and I would know whether to go to Jax, or to let the events that occurred that night remain a secret.

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