A Party?

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Chapter 6

Hazel (short)

"You live alone?" Hazel asks as she examines the small apartment with boxes still packed. She tries not to let her mind wonder to the conversation she tried to over hear between Mr. Williams and Blaze.

She didn't want to be intrusive but then again she wants her friend to be honest with her. Blaze has been the first girl Hazel can stand since Mo.

"Yeah," is the only explanation Blaze gives, which Hazel should have expected. Everyone knows she is a walking mystery and that seems to be why Axel hates her so much.

Hazel resists the eye roll as she thinks of how protective he is being. Really he is doing it for himself. She is caring and funny and strong and beautiful. He could like her, hell he could fall in love with her. And he knows it. So by making her out to be this dangerous and troublesome girl he can stay away, he can hate her.

"You don't seem to have a lot of stuff," Hazel comments trying to press for more information.
Even with the boxes it seems like Blaze doesn't have a lot of stuff. In fact it seems like too little to even have everything she would need.

"Is this even your furniture?" Hazel continues as Blaze finally turns around from the stove where she was cooking them pasta for dinner.

"No it's not, I rent this place furnished," Blaze begins before quietly adding, "and I move around a lot so I don't get to keep much."

She turns her attention back to the pot before pouring out the hot noodles into a drainer. Hazel wanted to keep asking but the jungle of a collar stops her.


"Aw," Hazel coos as she pet his soft black fur making him purr and run against her hand, " I'm in love!"

I smile looking over my shoulder as Ace, my black cat, soaking up all the attention Hazel was giving him.
"Attention Whore," I call at him and he just meows in response. But in reality I was just happy she stopped asking questions.

"God I wish I could have a cat back at the house," she whines continuing to feed Ace's ego with coos of how handsome he is.

"You're parents won't let you have pets?" I ask while shuffling around the open kitchen area that is in front of the living room. If you can even call the empty space a living room.

"I don't live with my parents, but one of my roommates is allergic," She says and I hear the jungle of a cat toy bounce against the wall. Meaning Ace has moved on from the love Hazel had to offer.

I freeze before turning to look at her, "I won't ask if you don't want to tell."

She smirks, "who are you going to tell?" She teases and I grin at her.

"What you don't think me and Kayla could have a civil conversation in the name of gossip?" I ask sarcastically laced in my words.

She smiles at me, before a calm expression hanging in her features, "My dads in jail for killing my mother when I was 10."

I try to keep a neutral expression but I feel my eyes go wide, and I thought that I was the only one with some fucked up family.

"But he's innocent," she tells me and I can't hide my confusion and surprises as she continues, "I was with him all day, but they won't believe me."

I see her tighten her hands into fists, "the trial was complete bull shit and no one would listen to me. So I'm going to be a lawyer and get my dad the justice he was stripped of."

I can see a fire burning in her hazel eyes as her calm expression turns into determination, like she won't let anyone stop her. Like she can't.

I smile at her, "I bet he's proud."

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