Run Axel Run.

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Chapter 16

They always had a way of surprising me once they had found me.

It was usually in the form of some twisted present from queen bitch herself. It was usually a day or maybe hours before renforcements came.

At first I thought it was her own twisted way of announcing her presense, but now I think it is more like a warning so I would run and she would find me. It was a game to her, so show me how much power she had. That no matter where I went she would find me.

But I can't say that this is the same. She is desperate to capture me now and since I have gotten clever it has gotten to much work for her. This annoucnement made it clear just how serious she is.

"Ace?" I whisper and fall to my knees at the bloody mess in my living room.
Tears slip from my eyes down my cheeks into the mess at my feet.

My baby. My cat. Ace.

"Oh.... oh no...." I say softly and don't care about the blood on my fingers as I reach for him.

I wrap up the bloody stained black fur, and hold Ace in my arms, "baby...I'm so sorry," I mutter into his fur.

Tears continue to fall and I start rocking trying to control my breathing, "I'm so sorry."

Suddenly there is a loud bang at the door and I jump at the sound, trying to stay silent.

"I know your there princess, open up for us wil you?" A harsh and angry voice sounds.

"Fuck," I mutter under my breath and gently place Ace where I found him while there is another loud bang at my door.

I start to breath heavily and look around for an escape plan, how could they have found me so fast?
"Open up now princess!" He shouts and there is another bang against my door.

Not sure how long the wood can hold up I run into the bed room where the window leads into the woods.
I quickly and quietly open the window and slip out while the banging at my door gets worse.

I jump from the window and land on the wet ground, now noticing it is raining.
Fuck just my luck.

"Shit find her!" I hear shouting from my apartment and without any further hesitation I run into the black woods.

I run. I run faster than I have ever before, I feel my chest tighten and my feet hit fallen branches but keep pushing.

I can't let them catch me. I have to keep going, the bitch won't catch me.

One more year and I will be free, I will be free of everything.

I catch sight of a street lamp and don't hear any sounds behind me anymore.

I run straight though to the street lamp and as I come out of the forest line I hear a car horn and bright lights comin straight for me.

Well at least the bitch can't say she had the satisfaction of killing me.

Like a deer in head lights I freeze and just watch as the car comes towards me expecting to get hit.

To my surprise the car swirvs to the side next to me and comes to a stop.

I take a deep breath I didn't know I was holding at the drivers side door swings open and a very pissed off Axel steps out.

"Oh thank god," I mumble and place my hands into my knees to try and catch my breath.

"Blaze?" He says and I hate it. I hate how he says my name . As if he knows him saying my name makes it seem brand new, meaningful, and something I want to hear.

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