Eleven: Thanantholl

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The second floor was not what I expected. The curved hallway was wide, and lined with carpet. I stopped to take my filthy boots off before walking down the hall in my stockings. Paintings of fae, many who looked like Thain, lined the walls. Each door was a different color, and near the far end I found a bright red door, the frame of it was painted with small blue flowers.

The door opened for me and I found a room the size of my cabin in the mountains. On a platform in one corner was a plush red and white canopy bed. Next to that was a beautiful carved wardrobe large enough to climb into. The ceiling was painted to look like a bed of roses. A small table and two red velvet armchairs held my sack of belongings, and my other axe was propped against the wall. I took the good axe off my belt and put it with the other. A vanity with a matching red chair was near the double doors that had been left open to show a balcony. The wooden rails were covered in ivy and a bench formed from one of the oak branches dipped down onto it.


Puko landed gently on the ivy railing and began preening his wing. I left him to it and explored more of the inside. A thick door by the wardrobe opened to a bath room. If the bath at the outpost was a dream, this one was a heaven.

The room was carved stone. The bath was sunk right in the floor and the water nearly filled it to the brim. Steps brought you down into the steaming water and trays lined the edge with soaps and lotions. Unlike the concealed pipe at the outpost that poured water into the bath, the water here fell from the mouth of a brass unicorn that kneeled over the far corner of the tub. A nozzle to the side of it turned the water on and off. The wall held shelves of red towels, and the north wall was one giant mirror.

I shut the door behind me and stripped immediately. I barely had my last stocking off before I reached the steps that took me into the blissful water. In a few short days I had become dependent on a hot bath, which I had never even had until I met the fae.

I was content to soak for what must have been an hour before actually cleaning myself. I was scrubbing my hair when a gentle knock came through the door.

"Miss Wren, don't be alarmed. I am laying some clothing out on your bed and will be gone in a moment. Please call if you need anything." Wairen said.

"Thank you, I will." I lied. I took plenty of time cleaning myself so Wairen would be gone before I climbed out of the bath. Wrapped in the large red towel, I peeked through the bath room door to make sure I would be alone.

Four dresses had been laid out as well as underthings. Matching slippers sat on the floor next to where I left my dusty boots, they all looked like they would fit. Each piece made from materials I had never felt before, and I decided to dry and comb my hair before trying them on.

I had worn simple dresses before. They helped me blend into the larger settlements and cities, but they were never required. These dresses though, these dresses were different. The fabrics were light and expensive looking, the colors were vibrant. I was able to try them all on, but how to fasten them I wasn't sure. More lacing and ties similar to the shirt Schula put me in to train, but different enough that I didn't know what I was doing with them. Two of them I could see right from the start would be far too low on the back and reveal my magic seal. Another was too low in the front, and while I wasn't usually so shy about my clothing I wasn't ready to be so bold in an unfamiliar city. Perhaps if I had the same plump curves that Schula had, but I didn't.

That left me with one dress. A deep purple one that covered me high on the back, gathered across my chest while still covering it, and swept to my ankles. The sleeves covered to my elbows and clung tightly to my arms. There was still the matter of tying the lacing at the sides, but for now I was at least covered.

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