Twenty: Spring

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I woke up with a blanket over me. My wool blanket, a comfort from home. My back was stiff and the air was cool and breezy, even in the carriage. My eyes opened to a black blob sitting on the window.


"Shut up, Puko." I groaned and pulled the blanket over my head. We had already been travelling for three days, and sleeping in the carriage was getting quite old.

"We're almost to Dwellonmar, are you sure you want to sleep through it?"

I peeled my warm blanket back enough to see a refined Eberon sitting on the carriage bench across from me. He had one leg across his other knee and watching out the window that was not blocked by Puko. Eberon had already changed into some kind of short golden waistcoat with long tails that flared out around him. His pants, unlike the ones everyone wore in Thanantholl, were wide-legged and drew in at the ankle where his boots swallowed them up.

"Is that some kind of Spring court fashion?" I mumbled, pulling my blanked down a little more.

"It is, and unless you want to show up in your mountain human clothes to be greeted by a king, I suggest you change too." He gave a half smile as I blushed, and stuck his head out the window. 

"Schula, trade off and help Wren dress, will you?"

The carriage slowed and Schula traded off with Eberon. Puko ruffled his feathers and took off somewhere, I'm sure it was to find food.

"Ah, my back was getting sore anyway." She covered the window close to her with a blanket as she sat down. "Get that window and we can try on one of Mistress Rhisa's other outfits, sound good?"

"Sure." I cringed at the cool air as took off the blanket. Once my window was covered, I pulled a pair of brown leggings from my bag, and a scarlet shirt.

"Fair warning, if you don't want to stick out I recommend a more muted color. Spring court is pale and pastels. Light colors, nothing heavy and dark or bright." Schula rummaged through my bag. "Try this one."

She handed me a buttery yellow shirt in a fine weave of linen. It had orange embroidery at the sleeves, and was cut the same as the satin shirt I wore before the Autumn King. I took it, it complimented the leggings well. "Thanks, Schula."

"Of course." She helped me lace everything and once we were done, pull down the blankets. "Have you had a good look around? We're in the Spring lands now."

I stared out the window. Rolling green hills and trees in bloom dotted the countryside. The road was well traveled, and I could tell it had rained recently from the muddy tracks and prints. A few fae, on foot or horseback, waved at Eberon as we passed. "It really does look like spring, even though it's almost winter."

Schula laughed. "Well, yes. That's how it works over here."

"So what is our first stop in Dwellonmar?" I asked.

"The king. We're expected, after all. He will give us some kind of accommodations, and then we will be free to leave and buy an appropriate gift. I will warn you though, we will be eating dinner with the court."

"Lovely." I sighed.

"It won't be too bad. We won't be the center of attention or anything. The dinner will be toned down, what with the recent events," Schula said. "Here, we're coming up on Dwellonmar now."

We both looked out the window to the hilltop ahead of us. The traffic on the road had picked up since I last looked out the window. Wind swept through the grass as we crested the top. A caw overhead told me Puko was still with us.

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