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Groaning the pain hits me like a freight train as I wake up. There's a throbbing sensation in my left thigh and my right thigh, my throat also hurts. I move slowly getting to my feet moving from the couch, moving to where one of Hobbs' trucks sit and everyone is gathered round. I notice the guy Vince laid out on a table no longer breathing. A scarlet stain that spread from his left side just above his hips. The breath is knocked out of me, yes whilst I did not trust him especially after what Dom and Brian had told me about how he tried to steal the chip that had the safe houses on it from them originally. However I didn't want him dead, he had a wife and a young kid, I wouldn't have wished that on anyone. When I make my way over to them, I place my hand on Dom's shoulder. "I mightn't have trusted him, but he was a good man. I'm sorry Dom." Dom turns to me as does everyone else who didn't notice me. I'm engulfed in a hug by Dom, and squeezed tightly.

"How you feeling?" Brian asks from over Dom's shoulder. I pull back from the hug testing the limits of the stitches. "I'll be grand, I've had worse." "What happened?" "We fought back saved who we could..." Brian starts to be cut off by Dom. "We didn't save enough." "Hobbs straightens from where he stands previously leaning against another table. "Yeah they were good men, but mopping won't bring them back. I don't know about you but I want blood."

Dom shifts from behind me, "We need to move we don't have much time." Han mistakes the meaning of his words stating how he's got us an exit route, as Dom walks towards a higher part of the building. "Not to run away." Before he reaches the steps he stops and my breath hitches. "Not to run away. To finish the job." This sets of Gisele, "Are you crazy Dom? We cant!" "It's a suicide mission, that's your man over there on the table. The plan is busted. This is bullsh1t man. Reyes knows we're coming." Rom chimes in. "He's right." Everyone starts to add their piece. I let out a shrill whistle silencing the clamoring. "Exactly. He knows we're coming. It makes our job easier." The quiet is deafening, everyone looks at me. "Now how in the hell is it to be easier?" Rom shouts in a shrill voice. "Ah yeah we'll knock on the door and ask for it. 'Yo Reyes man I know you want to kill us and all but would you mind giving us your safe filled with all your money first?'" I let out a loud scoff. "Think about it..." I trail of walking into the middle where I can see everyone. "Our plan originally relied on stealth one wrong move and it was all but sunshine and roses. But now... now he's expecting us, we have no need for stealth. He's betting on us coming." I make eye contact with each and everyone of them. "Am I the only one who thinks she's crazy? He's going to build walls around the walls of the station no one will be allowed in or out without his say so. For pete's sake he has the whole police task force on his payroll." Rom wildly gestures. Tej speaks up, "He's right you know. They tripled the detail at the police station. It's going to be a wall of gunfire."

"He may have well put the whole task force on detail at the police station but come on us those criminal minds of yours. He's put up more walls but instead of creeping past them like we planned, we can smash them down. Demolish them. The rest of the plan stays the same, how we get in is the only thing that changes. Yeah he may have all the guns on his payroll but you can guarantee that the moment their life is in danger regardless of the pay they'll move to shield their own asses. He's not going to get away with this." Dom looks at me speaking, "You know you're all free to make your own choices." "I'm in." Just as Dom starts up the step Hobbs speaks. "I'll ride with you Toretto. At least until we kill that son of a witch." A look of understanding and mutual loss is conveyed in their stare as they hold each others gaze. "Let's go steal from the big bad wolf of Rio." I clap my hands and make my way to a police car.

Fast and Furious To My HeartTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang