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When we arrive back at the warehouse , everyone is happy and hugs one another. I on the other hand get to work on the safe. Starting with the tumbler lock and combination, it takes about five to ten minutes for that to be cracked. Everyone know has quieted down a bit and watches in apprehension as I continue on with my work. Now the hand print, make or break.  I take the sheet of Tej and place it on the scanner before placing my hand behind it. The safe beeps and the scanner turns red. The tension in the room heightens and Rom is about to crack when I speak. "Hold on a sec." I walk out of the room and return with a giant gummy bear and a knife. "Now's not the time for a snack and a sparring session girl!" Rom screams. but I ignore him and cut the gummy bear into a slab about 3cm width wise. I then place the hand print back on the scanner and then press against it using the gummy bear to press against it aligning my hand behind it with the hand print. This time the safe clicks and the scanner turns green. I set the gummy bear and sheet down on the table noticing the looks. 

"What? The scanner was able to read my hand print through the sheet, so to over ride that you need to have something smooth the same consistency as skin to press down with instead. It's simple really." I explain as I make my way to the vault before opening it. I have to quickly dodge out of the way as money spills out at me. I start to laugh. "Damn!"

*Time skip*

We split the money evenly giving a heft sum to Vince's wife and son. Everyone goes to go their separate ways. I place my share in a few duffle bags and get ready to leave. "So what's the plan?" Mia asks from behind me. "Give Parker a gift, get back to helping people, donate some of the money. The usual." "You know you'll always be welcome for a Sunday lunch." "Thanks Dom" I give them all hugs before heading on my way. As I leave I hear  Brain speak, "Once a thief always a thief." Before I assume he pats his pockets. "Hey give me back my wallet!" I chuckle and use it to wave goodbye.

AN  And we're done!

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