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I sat up in bed the next morning with a fright as the phone next to me rang. I grabbed it and answered in a sleepy voice, "Hello."

It was an automated wake up call which caused me to shoot up onto my feet. It took me a moment to recall the night before; the bath, the sleeping outside the... Ben! Ben was definitely part of that recollection and so was kissing him! I had kissed him. Shit! What the hell had I been thinking?

I grabbed some clothes and put them on, rushing out to the reception area where I'd seen the breakfast tables set up the day before. I couldn't believe I'd missed dinner last night, what was everyone going to think of me? I was mortified, I'd have to tell them that I'd slept through it. I raced down the little wooden walkways that connected the rooms and jumped in fright, as a monkey flew past me.


And then another one shot across the walkway, running clumsily as it held a candy bar in it's one had. Someone must have left their window open, I thought as I stopped and looked to see if any others were coming. But the path was clear and I raced back up the creaky wooden slats to the breakfast area.

When I got to the table everyone was there, including Ben. The model was not, she was probably staying away from solids. I looked around quickly trying to determine where to sit, but all the seats were all taken.

"Hey, how do you feel?" Ness turned and asked me.


"I told them about the plane sickness." Ben jumped in. He stood up and pulled a chair from a nearby table and placed it next to his. It was a tight squeeze.

"Plane sickness?" I asked.

"Like car sickness, but with planes." He replied gesturing for me to sit.

"Oh, that." I nodded.

"I got it on a long flight once too," the women in production told me, "It's the change in the pressure, can make you feel queasy."

"Yes it can, " I said sliding into the chair that Ben had arranged for me, the chair that was awkwardly squeezed in and completely too close to him. I made a very deliberate attempt to lean as far away from Ben as possible, even though I was basically sitting on his lap.

I was so busy trying to move away from him, that I hadn't really thought about the impact this would have on the person on the other side of me. I was leaning so far over, that my entire head was practically up against the other guy's chest.

"Sorry," I quickly pulled back as my forehead connected with his chin. The man next to me smiled.

"No problem." He said with a slight twinkle in his devastating blue eyes. I straightened myself up again and wiggled into my chair, bumping the same blue -eyed man with my knee, twice.

"Sorry." I said again, quickly reaching out with my hand to touch his arm in an apologetic manner. I felt his hand come down on mine and our fingers grazed. A tiny little spark shot up my spine.

"It's a bit of a tight squeeze." He let his fingers linger a second too long and then pulled his chair back to give me a little more space.

"Thanks." Oh God this guy was gorgeous- in a completely non-Ben way. He had a surfer quality to him, tousled shoulder length blonde hair, tanned skin, blue eyes that were the color of the sky. He looked casually unkempt, not in a dirty hobo way, but in that sexy scruffy way. He was wearing a casual t-shit, I tried not to make it obvious but I quickly glanced down and saw that he was dressed in a casual pair of shorts... mmmm, big thighs. You know what they say about a man with big thighs... As JJ might say.

I quickly flicked my eyes back up to his, but clearly the glance down hadn't gone unnoticed. He smiled at me slowly. It oozed sex and charm and I felt my mouth involuntarily flutter at the corners and my lips curled into a smile. And as for that accent, what was it? Italian? French? I couldn't place it but he could probably tell me I was dying and it would still sound good.

The sound of Ben biting into a slice of toast snapped me out of the blue-eyed moment I was busy having. I looked over at Ben, I'd kissed him last night. Oh Crap! And now I was sandwiched between Kissable Lips and Dreamy Blue Eyes Big Thighs. It was all just a bit too awkward for such an early hour in the morning- or any hour. I jumped up and headed to the table where the buffet was and started pouring myself a big cup of coffee. But just as I'd filled my cup, Ben was next to me making himself a slice of toast.

"So you know you kissed me last night?" he whispered into my ear with a smile in his voice.

"Really?" I feigned shock. "I doubt that."

"No, you definitely did."

"Sorry, have no recollection of it at all."

"I don't believe you."

"I was asleep all night. How could I have kissed you?"

"Nope, you were definitely awake when you kissed me and pulled me onto you in the bed."

"I did not pull you onto me in the bed."

"You were all over me. You were basically ready to go. ,I was the one that had to hold you back. Practically fight you off."

"I was not!" I realized I'd said that way too loudly as a few people turned and looked at me- including Blue Eyes.. I forced a small chuckle. "I was not aware of that!" I quickly corrected loudly, "How fascinating. Really interesting." I took my coffee and slid away.. Ben put another slice of toast on a plate and slithered after me.

"Stop following me." I hissed under my breath. "People will start to notice."

"Only if you admit to kissing me last night."

"Fine! Fine, I kissed you last night. OK."

"And you pulled me onto you on the bed."

"Yes. Yes. I pulled you onto to me on the bed."

"And it was really good." He said.

I swallowed and my face flushed a little. I scooped up some pancakes and popped them onto my plate. "It was good." I mumbled under my breath.

"Sorry, what? I didn't hear you?" Ben jabbed a fork into one of the pancakes on my plate and put it on his.

"It was really good." I said a little louder so he could hear this time.

He said nothing but gave a tiny chuckle before striding off back to the table. I quickly glanced behind me and realized that Samantha had been watching us. I turned away quickly with a plummeting feeling in my stomach.

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