Italian Stallion...

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Work on a Friday night is always hectic

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Work on a Friday night is always hectic. Beef Cakes-yes, that's the name-is a small restaurant, and all the tables are set out around a stage that hosts drag shows and comedy nights. The stage also doubles as a dance floor for those special themed evenings when everyone is invited to bust a move, and does. The place is pretty crowded and JJ and Bruce have been trying to buy the shop next door to make the club bigger, but the nice thing about its size is that, when it's full, it buzzes. The atmosphere is alive, and there is usually something exciting going on every evening. The interior is bright pink and a massive sign hangs from the ceiling: "Eat, drink and be Mary".

The menu is another thing entirely. The food is simple but good: gourmet burgers, hotdogs and interesting pizzas, with names like Long John (a hotdog) Big beef daddy (a large hamburger) and Italian Stallion (a pizza)-JJ named the dishes, so you get the picture.

All the waiters wear shirts that say, "Is it gay in here, or is it just me?" Most of them are of the gorgeous, muscular, tanned variety-JJ does the hiring, too. And then there's me, who practically grew up there and knows just about everyone that comes in. Beef Cakes attracts a very loyal crowd who come week after week for the shows and parties but more for the good food and friends.

Tonight was just a normal non-themed, non-show night, but still it was packed and the usual crowd was there, except for one. Even though his back was to me, I knew it was him the second I walked up to the table with a menu under my arm-no one else oozed such sexiness.

"Sera, what a surprise," he said as he turned and looked at me. "I didn't know this was where you worked." He was trying to look shocked. It wasn't working. At all.

I shot him a disbelieving look. "So this is a coincidence then?"

"I know right? I can barely believe it myself."

"Really?" I said sarcastically, popping the bright purple menu down on his table.

He opened it and looked down momentarily before looking up at me again and smiling. "I like your shirt."

"Thanks. So what are you doing here? Should I be worried that you're a stalker or something?"

"What, a guy can't come out for dinner on a Friday night?"

"Sure he can. I was just wondering why the guy would come here specifically?"

He looked up and winked at me and I think I felt my ovaries tingle-if that's even possible. "Because I knew you were going to be here, obviously."

"I see," But I still didn't really. I still didn't see why he was pursuing me so relentlessly when he could probably bed Angelina Jolie and Megan Fox at the same time.

"Move that sexy ass," one of the waiters, Ryan, said as he came mincing past, giving me a slap. This was pretty much the standard way of communicating at Beef Cakes.

"Hey, babe," I said and shifted out of his way before we blew each other a few air kisses.

"Wow." Ben said, eying my bum. "What I wouldn't give to be a gay man right now."

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