❥ Chapter 8.

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Sorry about late chapter, I couldn't finish it yesterday I was in A&E ):

An art museum, I've always wanted to come here but no ones ever taken me. I didn't think the person who would be taking me would be Issac.

I run inside, the warmness welcoming and the art already on display at the desk. I'm smiling from ear to ear, I love art.

I wonder off over to a drawing, I'm not allowed to touch but I wish I was, I'd love to trail my fingertips along the work of some of the finest artists. I've always dreamed of having a painting of mine in this very building, to be looked and admired by thousands of people. It'll never happen though.

Because you're not good enough.

I shake my head and rip my eyes away from the painting to look around for Issac, "Ready to go in?" He walks away from the desk, I nod full of eager and follow him into the first room.

Paintings hung on the wall, I was already feeling inspired, "I brought you a sketch pad" Issac looks down at me, "You did?" He didn't have to do that but it was very sweet, "Thank you" I smile at him when he answers my question with a nod.

I set off walking down the wall, looking at all the great pictures, so many pictures from the olden days of woman and men nude. I always wondered why there was so much nudity in old paintings but it's because the Greek and the Romans were very sexual so nakedness wasn't as frowned upon as it is now.

I think they're beautiful, the human body is beautiful. I enjoy these paintings very much because they're all different and in a way even though they're all naked all there bodies are different not two the same.

"I like to see naked girls but who would want that on their wall?" Issac comes to stand next to me looking upon the painting above us. I roll my eyes, "Because, some people find the natural body rather beautiful, I wouldn't personally have it in my house but I do like it" I smile at it, "Imagine walking into someone's house and just seeing a painting of a man with his dick out, no thanks" He makes me giggle shaking his head.

I move onto the next room, surrealism paintings. I smile, I've always been so interested with this style of painting, it was a movement in the early 1920's it was all about experimenting with imagination.

"This stuff look creepy" Issac pulls a face in disgust at some of the paintings, they were a little weird but I still liked them, "It's surrealism painting" I smile, he looks all confused, "Surrealists were inspired by a famous psychologist called Sigmund Freud, A psychologist studies behaviour and how people think. He thought and wrote about the mind, memories and human instincts" I look up at all the paintings, placed evenly apart from each other.

"You really know your art don't you?" He cocks an eyebrow, "Yes of course, I love art" I smile up at the art work, "Why are you on the art course?" He didn't seem to know anything about art, he was good at drawing but he's not a passionate drawing from what I've seen.

"I don't know, looked pretty easy. Paint, draw whatever" He shrugs making me frown, "I failed in my other course so they put me on this one to see if I'd do any better, if I don't then they'll put me back on my old one and I'll just have to deal with it"

"So when will they decide if they'll move you back or not?" I frown, I didn't like the fact he didn't do the art course because he loved it, he does it because he's forced to, "About a mouth" He nods.

"Well I'll help you, I'll educate you on these many drawings" I smile, I want him to do good I think he'll really enjoy art, "You can try, I'm not a very good student" He shakes his head.

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