❥ Chapter 35.

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10k reads?! this is incredible!! i cried when i saw it. sending love, lots and lots of love. thank you so much, it means a lot to me.

I can hear the music from a street away, the taxi dropped us off in the next road and Nathan payed for it. It's only a two second walk from where we are.

We form in the queue outside we're all in the party mood as we dance to the music we can hear. It turns out Nathan is quite the dancer.

"Hey guys" Eric approaches with Issac follows behind, my stomach does a flip when we make eye contact. "Woah, hi beautiful" He winks and kisses my forehead.

"What are you doing here?" I look up at him surprised. "Come to celebrate your birthday of course" He smiles, holding my hand.

"You look amazing" He looks down at my dress, I smile.

"Don't look bad yourself" I smirk, knowing it's my turn to wink at him. He's wearing a crisp white shirt that compliments his natural tanned skin and a pair of dark wash jeans.

We slowly move towards the entrance and Ellie gets us all in except Nathan, Eric and Issas who are old enough to get themselves in. "Woaahhh!" Yasmine yells once we're in, we picked her up in the taxi on the journey.

I notice Ellie disappear out of sight once we get in but I shrug ignoring it, joining the girls on the dance floor.

We move our bodies to the beat holding hands and smiling for random pictures. I've never been to a club before but I like it so far, the lights are bright in the dark room and music is booming off the walls.

I loose sense of my mind for a while whilst I float off into the music, my body dances along and my hands raise to the air as I move around, waving them.

This is by far the best birthday I've ever had, it's been none stop smiles and laughs. I've been given a puppy which I've been wanting since, forever. I have no idea what moms going to say.

I feel so lucky to have all these people around me, this time last year when I'd locked myself in my bedroom I would of never imagined this would happen. All my family had come round and it was to much for me, they always ask questions and push to know information and I'm a very private person, I don't like people knowing my business if I haven't told them.

This time last year I had nothing but my thoughts constantly invading my head and now, I still have that but I'm learning to stop that and take control.

The song changes and I feel someone's hand connect with mine as we dance, "Have you seen Eric?" I shout to Henry over the music.

"I've seen him but he hasn't spoken to me" He shrugs, "But don't worry, see that boy over there?" Henry casually nods in the direction of a tall handsome man with dark hair and piercing blue eyes.

"Yes?" I raise my eyebrows toward Henry, "He brought me a drink, I'm gonna go chat with him in a minute" Henry winks, the man looks at Henry as they eye flirt.

"Then why are you with me? Go talk to him" I push excitedly, "I don't want to come across as to keen, even though I am. We'll casually dance towards him then I'll pretend to loose you in the crowd and, accidentally bump into him" He nods.

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