Chapter 1

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The pale boy opened his eyes to a white light entering his window, and the noise of teenagers fighting with each other downstairs. It was chilly, and the mansion floors creaked of mold as he slid off his bed, checking for any purple marks on his body. Finding none other than a mark on his side, he made his way downstairs.

He lived in a lovely purple colored mansion with 4 other people, whom he had known for most of his time in Ohio, where he lived now. He moved to Ohio from Korea, where he had grown up and spent his childhood, then moved to Ohio for a better chance in life.

The pale boy ran a hand through his raven-colored mullet and stepped into the kitchen, where he spotted the 4 people he stayed with.

One was a tall, full on muscle, man who was about in his 20s, with buzz cut black hair besides a fluff of white which fell in front of his face. His arm had been completely swapped out with a robotic one, giving off a metallic tint when he walked around. This man went by the name of Shiro.

Another one, a teen, probably about 17-18 years old, was tall, less muscle than Shiro, and very tan. He had brunette hair that stuck out from the rest, and Ocean blue eyes that the pale boy liked more than the others's eyes. This boy went by the name of Lance.

The pale boy turned to the third person, who sat at the table impatiently, with her computer. This girl was about 14/15 years old, with Carmel-brown hair and brown eyes to match. With a short temper and brains, she definitely makes up for being the shortest of the bunch. She goes by the name Pidge.

The pale boy looked around for the 4th and final person, and, having no luck, slumped into one of the kitchen seats.

Lance looked over at the Pale boy and scoffed, "You slept in..! And normally I'm the only one sleeping in!"

"Oh shut up lance" the pale boy muttered, humored when Lance gave an icy glare and turned away.

"Leave Keith be, Lance" Shiro said, turning to the fridge and giving a sigh, "Damn it. I forgot to tell Hunk that the Eggs are all gone"

"Language" Lance gave a smug grin, and Pidge looked up from her computer, "Yeah Shiro, what the hell?"

The pale boy, known as Keith, gave a tiny grin as Shiro became a bit frustrated, "Guys, Please, I don't want to deal with this at 8:00 in the morning"

"Sorry dad" Keith Murmured, earning rage from Lance, "Shut up, Dropout!" He snapped.

Keith stood up, anger burning in his chest, "Leave me dropping out, out of this" He yelled, walking away from the table with an annoyed glance at Shiro, "I lost my appetite, eat without me"

"Get back in here mullet! I'm not done yet!" Lance called as Keith walked out of the kitchen and up the two flights of stairs, passing the others's rooms on the way up. Keith's room was the highest up, at the very end of the hallway, which Keith loved because he got to have his bedroom next to Hunk, who was silent as a log when he slept.

Keith entered his room and flopped onto his bed with a sigh, keeping his face implanted for a few seconds in the bed before lifting his head and staring at his wall. Photos of his family and him lined the top of the wall, then sketches Keith did were scattered below it.

Why did Keith leave his family behind? Why didn't they come with? Well, Keith's family died when he was younger. He doesn't remember them, so he's not very sensitive about it, at least, he says he isn't. He was never able to get a job in Korea, so he came to Ohio, and met the four nut-jobs you already met.

Keith stared at his mother and father's faces for a moment before giving a small smile and looking down on his dirty cloth covered floor. He lifted the small bag he kept and got out a bag of medical supplies, taking off his shirt to look at his purple mark better.

He took out a bottle of medicine and dabbed it on the mark, used to the stinging sensation it gave, and looked out his window. It was as dead as it sounded, but everything outside looked lovely. The grass was as green as you could make it, and the trees were fully bloomed, promising summer to come soon.

Keith wondered dimly what it would be like to still be in school at this time. He dropped out of school in Korea, and never got back into it when he came to Ohio. He didn't plan to, for now.

Keith took the medicine and put it back into the bag, sliding it under his bed and falling onto his back to stare at his ceiling, and counted the many stars he had glued to it.

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