Chapter 12

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Only when the alarms went off, did Keith realize what was happening. The sounds of growls and shouting pierced the air like bullets, and gave Keith a sense of panic. lifting himself, though it was hard due to the amount of pain he was in, he gazed out of the bars of his cell.

"Intruders! Intruders!" Guards called, "Do not resist, Galra Transformees! You are to be relocated!" They all called. Keith felt his throat tie in a knot, as if he couldn't breathe, and he felt an urge to resist. to break down every cell bar and escape. He lifted his hands and grasped the bars firmly, and began to tug, baring his teeth and growling loudly.

"Halt! Stop, freak!" One of the guards shouted, and ran over. Keith noticed their blue looking attire blended well with the walls, and his eyes widened, having not realized how close they were. The guard drew a taser, and held it out to Keith, striking him firmly, "Back, Beast!"

Keith felt his body tighten and twist in painful waves, and let out a shriek that rattled the walls and seemed to quiet the mass of the dead, that followed the guards like dogs on a leash. He gave another violent scream before falling into his side, and feeling his eye sight strain. He caught a glimpse of a brunette haired boy, with bright blue eyes, before he blacked out.


The ground seemed to shake from beneath him. He opened his eyes just enough to see where he was.

In the back of a truck.

He lay in the back of a truck, with 5 other galra people, who seemed to have been tased as well. He could no longer hear anything, besides the faint sound of the car engine, and faint protestant growls. He closed his eyes again and shuddered. what happened..?

He opened his eyes wide as he realized what had happened early. His eyes filled with tears as he remembered seeing a boy coming, and he covered his eyes with an arm. It was lance.. lance was there.. if i hadnt tried to pry open the bars, maybe i could have escaped.. he thought, his heart aching.

His mind had now gone silent, and it seemed like everyone else's had gone silent too. For what reasons, Keith didn't care. All he worried about was lance, and if he was okay.


"Get up"

"Hey, man, dont tell me you're dead. We need your help"

Keith opened his eyes a little, not expecting this calmer voice, as every guard had a voice of steel and sandpaper. His gaze landed on another galra person, who stared down at him with his yellow eyes, "Oh good. You're not dead. We need exactly 6 to do this, so im glad your awake"

Keith groaned and sat up, and noticed everyone else in the truck was awake too. His heart raced a little, in confusion, "Uh.. for what?" He asked, and stared at them all as they looked to one another.

"1137 has a plan to get us all out of here" one of them, who was the smallest of the group, and had short, curly hair, spoke up. He grinned, "He's the smartest here"

Keith put a hand on his head, "11..37...?" He asked, and the boy beside him nodded, "Thats me. I guess we should probably introduce ourselves" He said, his eyes Sympathetic, "Its hard to know whos who just by numbers"

Keith only gave a nod, unsure of what to make of this situation. 1137 began pointing to each of them. First he pointed to the smallest boy, "Thats 1023. Hes been captured the longest of all of us" he acknowledged, then pointed to a boy who hadnt smiled the entire time Keith had been awake, "Thats 1167" he grinned, patting the guy's longish wavy hair. He then pointed to two boys who looked almost completely identical, "Thats 1145 and 1146. They are twins" he nodded, then pointed to himself, "And im 1137, as you may know."

Keith's head hurt, "So many numbers to keep track of.. dont you guys have actual names?" He asked. All their eyes seemed to cloud over. 1137 spoke up hesitantly, "We dont exactly remember our names. We've been with these guards so long, we've completely forgotten who we are. The only reason we arent like the controlled galrans are because we resisted everything they've put us through."

Keith felt guilty. He put a hand on the back of his neck and gulped, "I resisted some. I haven't been here long, my number is 9457" he spoke, eyeing a hole in the wall. He wished it was big enough to jump out. 1145 and 1146 gasped, almost in unison, and spoke, also in unison, "Woah, you must be in the newest batch of people to come here!"

Keith looked at them, and cleared his throat, "Uh.. yeah, i guess. So.. you guys said you had a plan to get out of here?" He asked, guilt overwhelming him. He wanted to change the subject. 1137 grinned, and clapped his hands together, though he nearly fell over as the truck shifted a little.

"I have the perfect plan to get out. Listen up, this'll be good."

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