90 days to live - Chapter 9 pt. i

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My hand is raised, poised to knock upon the door. I shake away thoughts of my impending failure with a sharp breath. I blink a few times, trying to shoo away my doubt. I thrust my lips into an upward curve, trying desperately to prove to myself that the damage is not irreparable. My arm droops, my smile becomes a frown.

Iron will never let me see Ally and I highly doubt the proposal that she would accept my apology.

I activate the control pad and enter my name. Without hesitation, the large red button in the middle of the device flashes crimson.

"Access denied" The machine says.

I slam my fist against the wall in irritation. What was I thinking? Of course Iron would have taken away my unrestricted entrance to the compartment. The spitefulness of even such a meagre action hurts me.

But its all the more to apologise for. I'll just have to attempt a different method.

I shake away my scepticism and lift my fist once more. My three brisk knocks rattle through the thin white door. My arm drifts back to my side, where my fingers play and pinch with my suit. I cannot hear any sign of movement apart from my own nervous twitches. I raise my fingers to self-conciously smooth my uncombed hair into a swirled bun.

The control pad beside me suddenly realeases a muffle blare as it gurgles to life. I feel my heart lift as the groggy voice of my bestfriend begins to speak.

"Hello?" She sounds tired. I feel the bond tingle in the base of my stomach.

"Ally, its Lara" I say slowly.

Immediately the button flashes and the line is disconnected. I sigh and rub a weary hand over my face. I try and remain as emotionless as the blank corridors that surround me. My attempts are futile. The pungent odour of the spotless hallway reeks of cleaning product. However the stench of seclusion is more effluvious than any sterilization scent.

Carefully, I haul my hesitant arm to activate the control pad once more. As soon as the connection is made, I rest my head upon the cool walls, seeking the comfort of their cradle.

"What do you want Lara?" She snaps.

"To talk to you, I need to apologise"

She doesn't answer yet I hear her scoff.

"Apologise for what Lara?" She snarls, in a tone more vicious than I have ever heard. "You think saying sorry can make up for almost allowing me to be killed? I would be dead if Carlisle hadn't figured out the situation so I don't give a crap how sorry you are"

My hand collides with my mouth as I hold in my whimper at her harsh tone. Her altercations no longer carom insensitively off my skin. Instead they mar and scar my cognitions as I finally realise the depths of her deprivation. How could I do that to my bestfriend?

I run my tongue over my lower lip. "For that yes, and for causing you to despise me as much as you do now. I've finally fully grasped your detestation because I feel the same way about myself; I hate myself more than you could imagine"

"Lara just leave"

"I will, I'm going to I promise. I just needed to apolgise" I sigh and draw my fingers through my hair. "At the very least please listen to my reasons"

"Achilles told me" She replies curtly.

"I should've known it wasn't you" I whisper, leaning my forehead against the cool corridor walls.

"You don't trust me; you never have. Even in the Leto palace you doubted me" She replies without a trace of emotion in her voice.

My muteness fills the silent void with unforgiveable tension. Its not brittle, it won't be broken.

90 days to liveΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα