90 days to live - Chapter 12

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A little taster of chapter 12 - please tell me what you think.

I rub my hands against my quads, trying to relieve my smarting palms. The Sicarii Guard lies on the floor, his face hidden by a lock of brown hair. This time, he is completely unconcious. I'd half-expected to disappear after the butt of my dagger knocked him out like in the simulator. Of course though, this is completely real. The bruises on my arm shine out as evidence.

Slotting my dagger back into my pocket, I bend down and unclip the keys from the belt. They jangle against one another. I scoff at the Sicarii; he thought he would win. It was predictable. I find myself staring on at the Leto with nothing but detestation...it feels odd, it feels evil.

Hopping up, I'm careful not to place to much pressure or accidentally bump the plum-coloured splotches on my arm. I begin to move away, back towards Kyle's cell. My paranoia that the Sicarii will catch me off guard once more causes my to peer over my shoulder every few seconds. However the Sicarii remains, face down and immobile on the floor. As I scamper back to Kyle's cell I can't help but feel an oddly fulfilling sense of satisfaction.

I shouldn't feel good about hurting anything no matter what species - I'm officially the worst Caritas in the world. 

"But then again, you're not technically a Caritas anymore" The snarky voice in the back of my head snickers. I shake my head, as if it will rid my mind of this innate voice.

"I'm not a voice" It says again. My eyes widen.

"I'm your Torpen" The voice sounds almost pleased. 

"What the hell?" I yell. I have a Torpen inside my head? 

"Stop screaming - you scream far too often." The voice says irritably. 

I stumble backwards and rest against the wall of the passage. The cells are only a little further down and the bars I broke through earlier still remain in their positions. 

"Lara, whats wrong?" Kyle shouts. 

I swallow. "I'm okay, I'm just coming"

"Don't bother with him - leave him to die here." The voice instructs me. All of a sudden, I find myself turning around away from the cells and back towards the exit. My limbs are propelled forward. 

"No, we're going to free Kyle" I say yet my legs don't stop. I'm pushed out, back round the corner and the unconcious Sicarii come back into my view.

"Lara" He calls again. The anguish in his voice is distinguishable.

"Listen little girl, I'm the one in control. No one fights against their Torpen" My supposed 'Torpen' says. On the wall ahead, a large looking glass mirrors the cell passage. The image projected is one of a labyrinth but my eyes are fixed on themselves. They're obsidian.

Suddenly everything seems to slide into place. Jared's eyes, his cold skin, the mood swings. He ws being controlled by his Torpen when I met him up until the day his soul regrew. To become Torpen you not only have to have your soul extracted, you also have to have a Torpen inserted. My body, soul and mind belong to Jared and likewise with his. As the realisation dawns on me, I feel my anger flare. The keys drop from my fingers and land with a irritating clatter on the ground.

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