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It was several hours before the front door was being opened and Lily was making her way inside.

Raymond straightened, with great difficulty, on his sitting position on the sofa where Lily had left him after making breakfast that morning. The sun had risen fully, all six children had eaten and were most likely in their room where he had sent them, having gotten irritated by their constant chatter and his shoulder injury. Pain coursed through his shoulder, his body trembled slightly, and he still had a headache, but he wasn't about to admit that to Lily.

It wasn't until Lily was standing before him, did he realize there was a stranger standing beside her.

Perhaps too close, Raymond thought, as his attention shifted to the stranger. A man in his mid twenties, dressed in a white shirt tucked in black pants, the stranger stood about six foot. The sleeves of his shirt were cuffed around his wrist, making his attire seem more formal. His hair, a healthy mass of shiny black curls, gave him a boyish look that helped to strengthen his attractive features.

“This is Doctor Brown.” Lily said, pulling Raymond's attention to her. He didn't know why, but he all of a sudden became aware of the fact that the doctor was standing very close to Lily.

“It is fine if you call me Michael.” He turned to the side and flashed Lily a toothy smile that irritated Raymond immensely.

“And this is Raymond McAllister.” Lily returned his smile.

“Her husband.” Raymond nodded to Lily, a frown on his face as his eyes remained fixed on the doctor. He didn't know why he felt the urge to clarify that piece of vital information, but he did.

Michael nodded, turning his attention back to Raymond. “If you would let me take a look at that shoulder...” He leaned down, his hand settling gently on Raymond's shoulder. “Would you mind taking your shirt off, Sir?”

Raymond hesitated, suddenly becoming aware of Lily's presence. It had been humiliating enough to know she had helped to take off his clothes last night, he wasn't sure he wanted her exposed to more of his nudity.

Lily, as if reading his thoughts, bowed her head. “I will get started on lunch.” She muttered, turning and walking away.

Raymond removed his worn, torn and dirty shirt, exposing his horrid excuse for a body, to the doctor. He watched to see the doctor flinch, but that wasn't the case as he just focused more on Raymond's injury.

He must be accustomed to worse situations, Raymond thought.

“Lily told me she snapped the bone back into place.”

Raymond frowned. “Mrs. McAllister.”

“Pardon?” Michael leaned back slightly, light blue eyes examining Raymond's face.

Raymond gritted his teeth, feeling like nothing but a piece of malnourished human being, before Michael. “Mrs. McAllister.” He repeated through clenched teeth. “You are only to refer to her as Mrs. McAllister, as is proper of every man with an iota of common sense.”

Michael frowned, for the first time since he stepped into the building. It wasn't a deep frown, but the small pulling together of his brows, forming two thin lines on the edge of his brows, barely denting his youthful face. Unlike Raymond, Michael's features weren't hardened by bad experiences and hours of hard work on the farm. He most likely was a spoiled rich child who needed to find purpose in life by deciding to become a doctor.

“Very well.” He finally nodded, turning his attention back to Raymond's shoulder. “Mrs. McAllister, it is.”

And for some reason, his concession to Raymond's request only helped to heighten his already high temper.


Lily waited until Raymond was fast asleep on the makeshift cot, before settling on the rocking chair she had placed before him.

Even while he slept, his body trembled. She knew it was due to the exposure of his sickly body to the rain of the night before, but she couldn't help but pray it wouldn't get worse. She couldn't imagine having to deal with pneumonia for the second time in her life and from the doctor's report, it could get worse. Raymond hadn't just dislocated his shoulder, there were torn muscles in there as well. He still ran a fever -even if, according to Michael, he was determined to keep that fact hidden- and he was in severe pain.

Lily sighed loudly, leaning back against the chair and closing her eyes.

The world faded around her until she was jolted awake by the sound of something. Her vision was blurry for a while and she was confused. When she finally began to understand what was happening, she looked down to find Raymond trembling severely. 

Going to her knees, she pulled the blanket over him, adjusting it until it was covering his body properly.

Something took hold of her wrist as she tried to rise. She turned, surprised and especially confused when she found Raymond tugging on her arm. His eyes were closed and his lips were moving, but she couldn't hear him. It wasn't until she leaned down, her ears directly above his lips, did she hear him mumbling.

“Stay...” He mumbled continuously, like the sound of a broken record. He seemed delirious, perhaps due to the pain relievers prescribed by Michael... Or was it the fever? It seemed to have gotten worse the second the sun went down.

Lily settled down beside him, raising the covers until she was shielded from the cold.

His hand released her wrist and immediately settled around her waist. He pulled her close, until her body was trapped securely in his arms and pressed against his body.

Several emotions raced through her as she was held trapped in Raymond's arms; calmness, perfection, safety...

A part of her hoped he would kiss her, that he would awaken and press his lips to hers. It felt like she belonged in his arms. It was that instant feeling of knowing she was meant to be with him.

He tightened his hold around her, pulling her further against him, until her body was curved to fit into his. She felt him press his lips to her ears and her eyelids instantly pulled shut in anticipation of what she hoped would take place.

“Rachel...” He mumbled into her ears.

In that second she froze, every emotion in her, seeping out until all that was left was utter horror as she suddenly realized who Rachel must be...

...Who Rachel was...

“Rachel... Stay...”

Copyright © 2017 Lily Orevba All rights reserved.



I have this exercising app that reminds me to get in some exercise in the morning (which I always forget to do.) Anyway, I was typing this chapter when the reminder came in. So, blame the app for the length of the chapter and cliffhanger! Now, we all have something we are not exactly thrilled about.

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