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Someone squeezed Lily's hand, causing her to turn her attention from Raymond who was loading the wagon, to Milly who stood beside her, gripping her hand tightly in reflection of her anxiety. Unable to hide the smile that was creeping up her face, she turned her attention back to Raymond who turned from the wagon just in time to find her smiling even if her smile wasn't directed his way.

He returned her smile, causing her to tremble slightly. He seemed a lot less cruel than he had been the last four months especially since the night they finally became man and wife for real. There were not many changes in their marriage -he still spent more time working on the farm than he did with his family, ate his meals in the barn and could hardly hold a conversation with her- but they slept in the same room, on the same bed. While she wished their marriage would move past being just physical, to being an actual relationship, she knew they would need time to get there and hopefully, Raymond would be willing to get there as well.

“I'm sorry.” Raymond finally announced, turning from Lily as his eyes swept the faces of all six children.

“Not fair!” Lenny didn't sound pleased. Lily turned just in time to find him folding his arms across his chest and turning his attention to his feet where he was drawing circles on the sand. Scarlet, who only recently agreed to let Lily give her a bath, lifted a hand and patted his head in a bid to comfort him.

“We got dressed for nothing.” Lexie seemed on the verge of tears as her hands played with the ruffles of her sleeves.

When Lily was able to turn from all six children whose gazes were now planted on the sand, to Raymond, she found him grinning at her. He was handsome, she decided, a lot more handsome when he smiled. She knew the lines that hardened his features had more to do with hard work than it did with age, but when he smiled, he seemed ten years younger and it made her heart skip.

Blushing slightly, she rose a brow and he shrugged.

“Very well, perhaps we can manage to squeeze six more children into the already fully loaded wagon...”

Loud squeals followed his announcement as all six children crowded around the wagon and began climbing in. It wasn't until they were all inside the wagon, did Lily realize she was left standing alone with Raymond.

The smile on his face remained as he walked over to her side and placed a hand on the small of her back, leading her to the loaded wagon. She liked the feeling of his hand on her back, and the feeling his closeness brought.

Without stopping to think for a second, she turned to him once they were both settled in front of the wagon, and kissed him. It was a light kiss, a simple brushing of her lips against his, but it filled her with a desire to linger. It was the first time she initiated a kiss, and one in public, without the confines of the walls of their room.

Obviously taken aback by her boldness, the smile on Raymond's face disappeared and his eyes filled with surprise but, he didn't speak. Instead, he turned from her, took the reins of the horses and began to stir them towards town.

Lily leaned back against the wagon and focused her attention on the road ahead, trying not to think of his reaction -or lack of reaction- to her kiss. They were headed to town to sell off some of the potatoes the farm had produced and some carrots and cabbages she had succeeded in growing in her garden. It was not only a good excuse to make some money, it was a good excuse to get the children a few things, Lily decided. Raymond didn't know it, but she was going to use some of her money for fabrics, sewing and knitting supplies. She would make a few dresses for the girls and a few shirts for the boys and if her money was up to the task, she would buy some fabrics for curtains for the living room.

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