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Chapter 04

- Mia White -

When I woke up the next morning, it was still pretty early, but because I wasn't in the mood today, I stared at the ceiling until I decided it was time to get up.

Walking downstairs, I saw my mom flipping some pancakes while my dad was reading the daily newspaper. Not many people read it anymore, but my dad still does. He has so many of them in his office framed on the wall or in a pile on the floor.

"Good morning, sweetie," Dad greeted, placing his newspaper down on the kitchen table. My mom greeted me as well, and I kissed them both on the cheek.

I grabbed two plates, for me and my mom. Dad always woke up early and ate without us because he had to leave for work. Before he left, he usually spends the little time he has with us.

Since my dad's a mechanical engineer, he's very busy, so I don't see him often. Same with my mom since she's a nurse. She either works night shifts or morning shifts. Someone's both when needed. Mom was kindhearted, and people knew bag. Whenever someone calls in sick, and they needed someone to cover their shift, they knew my mom would volunteer.

So whenever they were home, I was happy. Their only day off was yesterday when I was with Ace. I'm glad that they decided to have a date night since they're both too busy to see each other anymore.

Once I set up the table, and my mom was done with the pancakes, dad kissed mom and me on the forehead. He said goodbye before leaving for work.

"How was school?" Mom asked as she put a few pancakes on my plate.

"Same as always," I shrugged, grabbing the syrup and putting it on my plate. Ace thinks it weird that I like to separate the syrup and pancakes.

I glanced at my mom as she ate, and frowned when I saw the dark circles under her eyes. She was probably tried form working.

"Mom, why don't you rest. You're tired."

She shook her head. "I have to go to work soon."

"Mom, don't worry. I'll call Mrs Wells and tell her to give you a day off."


"Please," I begged. "I'm sure I can convince her.

I hated that my mom wasn't taking care of herself. She sighed and nodded her head, knowing that I wasn't going to change my mind. After we both finished breakfast, she walked into her and dad's bedroom while I called Mrs Wells.

Mrs Wells was my mom's boss. She's a cheery lady, but get on her bad side and it's hell. She's a very strict woman and likes to do things independently. Although, she had a soft spot for me. I've known her ever since I was a child.

I would always go to the hospital as a kid when my mom couldn't find a babysitter, so I practically knew the whole place like the back of my hand. I helped out there a lot as well for my volunteer hours.

I dialled the number, and after a few rings, she picked up. "Hello? This is Mrs Wells speaking."

"Hi, Mrs Wells."

"Mia! What are you calling? Do you need something?"

"No, no, Mrs Wells. I just wanted to ask you something."


"I was wondering if my mom could have a day off. She's been working very hard, and it's stressing her out. She's tired," I explained.

"She has been working a little to much lately..." Mrs Wells' voice trailed off. "Oh, alright! But she has to come back soon."

I grinned widely when she said that she could take the next few days off, but on Wednesday mom would have to go back. Thanking Mrs Wells, I ended the call and wrote a note for mom that she had a few days off.

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