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Chapter 35

- Ace King -

Everyone was surprised at the sudden interruption. They wondered who those people were. Mr Summer, however, looked furious as his eyes narrowed at the young boy beside Mia.

Mia. I felt relief course through my body knowing that she was unharmed. But I was hit with a wave of guilt when I realized that she was witnessing me about to marry another girl. I never imagined this because I've always thought about marrying Mia.

Not anyone else.

"What do you think you're doing?" Mr Summer demanded to know as one of the policemen cuffed him and did protocol. "Let me go this instant!"

"I'm sorry sir, but we can't do that," he replied with an emotionless tone.

"And why the hell not!?"

"Many reasons. And if you wish to know, ask that boy over there." The policeman featured his head towards Ben who was pointing at the camera in his hand.

"Who's the pathetic one now," Ben remarked with a smirk.

Mr Summer growled at him as he was escorted away. I didn't realize that Mindy had let go of my hands and ran towards her brother, pulling him into a tight hug.

The guests were also taken away, leaving them left to wonder what in the world was going on.

It wasn't want I imagined, really. All she needed was to walk slower, and wear a white dress, because the next thing I know, Mia running up to the altar before she wrapped her arms around me.

"Thank Goodness you're okay," she sighed.

I hugged her back, pulling her as close as I could so there was no space between us. Because I was much taller, I was able to rest my chin on her head. Running a hand through her hair, I apologize.

"I'm sorry. I never wanted you to witness me about to marry another girl," I tell her.

To my surprise, I heard her light chuckle. "Yeah. I don't ever want to see that again," she replied.

I smiled. "Don't worry. The next time you'll be at a wedding is ours."

When she stayed silent, I knew she was getting all flustered. That, and because she punched me in the stomach.

"You guys are a strange couple," Ben said as he walked towards us.

"Here's the camera by the way. Before we crashed the wedding, we had to talk with the people who secretly worked for Mr Summer's illegal company," Ben explained, showing different men confessing and showing them the work that Mr Summer did.

"I took one of their phones, call the police, and they even confessed everything to them as well."

"That's good."

The three of us walked back to where the others were. Jacob and Charles offered to go to the police station and show them the tape of the men's confessions. And because Jacob wanted to go home.

Mindy didn't even care if we were looking at her or not. Her full attention was in her brother. She asked him questions regarding his health, how he felt, or what happened. Austin on the other hand just looked happy to see his sister after such a long time.

"Mia! Ace!"

With our names being called, Mia and I looked to see her mother running towards us. She pulled Mia into a hug and hugged her tightly, as if thinking that if she let go, Mia would break.

"I was so worried. When I was told what happened, I didn't know what to do. I tried looking for you everywhere, but we had no luck until Ben called," Mrs White cried.

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