The Cheerleader And The Cage Fighter.... Are Dance Partners? - 29

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Yes, I'm sorry it's been a while since my last update.... actually make that UPDATESSSS seeing as I did post 2 chapters last time :p

My net was broken, then it started working again (when I posted the message about it) and then it broke again so we had to call out an engineer.

Plus I've been working my socks off, I did a 14.5 hour shift n Monday *yawns*

But in reply to the people who commented that I needed to "stop what I was doing and update", I did just that this morning. At 3:30am I stopped what I was doing (which was sleeping zzzz) and got up so that I could update before I go away on my travels to attend my mum and dads wedding renewal this weekend. 22 years of marriage - eeek!

Anyways enough of my life story, here's part 29..... I hope you enjoy it. Like I said, I wrote some of it during the early hours of this morning so apologies for any errors.

Please comment and vote xxx


F.... M.... L

Max was taking part in his first boxing competiton. It was only going to be mini sparring sessions between the boys in his age group, but he was incredibly excited.

I was excited too.

What didn't excite me, however, was the fact that my mum and dad were comig to watch.

It was lovely for Max that they were going to be there, but I couldn't shake off the horrible feeling that they were going to say or do something that would offend Liam.

I'd just got him to believe that I wasn't the stuck up bimbo that he'd thought that I was and now he was going to meet my superficial parents.

I repeat... FML!

Begrudgingly, I followed them into the gym; my mother was already looking around distastefully, her body language guarded. Recognition flashed in my dads eyes as he looked at his surroundings.

"Richie Smithson" Rays warm voice greeted him as he walked towards us.

My dad smiled back at him, deep admiration written allover his face.

"It's been a long time" he commented.

"Too long" Ray replied sadly, patting him on the back.

He looked towards my mum.

"This must be your wife?" he asked, looking to my dad for confirmation, "You did well kiddo, she's a beauty".

My mum smiled at Ray, but I could tell that it was fake - she wasn't impressed with him at all.

"Hey Liam, come and meet Max's parents" Ray called out, looking behind us.

I turned sharply, seeing Liam entering the gym, his usual bag slung over his shoulder.

I could tell that he felt awkward, but he came over nevertheless.

"This is Liam, he's been the one that's spent the most time training Max".

Max held up a hand and Liam high fived him.

"Liam?" my dad asked questioningly.

"Unsworth" Liam replied, holding out his hand to shake my dads outstretched one.

"Unsworth... the name and the face is familiar" Dad mused, as he scrutinised Liam.

Liam shifted uncomfortably.

The Cheerleader And The Cage Fighter.... Are Dance Partners?Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant