45 - The Cheerleader And The Cage Fighter.... Are Dance Partners?

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Miley Cyrus - I Look At You

Yeah, when my world is falling apart
When there's no light to break up the dark
That's when I, I
I look at you

When the waves
Are flooding the shore and I can't
Find my way home anymore
That's when I, I
I look at you


This was going to be 2 chapters, but I didn't like the flow so I uploaded it all as one. I felt like the lyrics to the song were fitting for this part.

I hope you enjoy <3


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"You always bring the best chocolates" Dorothy grinned, after she popped in what might have been her eighth chocolate.

I didn't blame her – Ferrero Rochers are life.

It made me happy to be spending time with her; lately I felt like I didn't get to visit her as often as I wanted to. Once nationals and the dance competition were out of the way, I was going to make sure I visited her even more than usual.

"Can you show me your photo album from when you and Bill met again please?" I asked, putting down my now empty cup.

I hadn't drank tea before I knew Dorothy but now it was one of my favourite drinks ever; though I would never love it as much as I love coffee.

Dorothy was already up on her feet, looking for the photo album. She loved showing me the old photographs of her and Bill and I loved listening to her stories.

"This is when we got married"

The black and white photograph showed a group of people with a young man and woman front and centre, radiating happiness.

"My dad wasn't happy that I was marrying someone who was a boxer" she chuckled, "He said that Bill wouldn't be able to support me and give me the life I wanted"

Parents could be ridiculously dumb sometimes.

She pointed out a stern looking man stood to her side in the photograph.

"Well he was wrong" I smiled

Dorothy didn't reply at first, instead she just stroked her finger down the part of the picture that showed Bill.

"He gave me all the life I wanted and more" she said softly.

I wished that I could have met Bill, it was clear that he had made my friend so very happy.

"This was when we had Lily" she pointed out another photo of her and Bill but this time they were holding a baby. "He was so nervous about becoming a dad but he didn't need to be. He took to it like a swan to water"

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