Make A Wish (In Editing)

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"Children don't need more things,
the best toy a child can have is a parent who gets down on the floor
and plays with them."


March 26th. This is the anniversary of when I was born. Though the last time I remember celebrating it, was the year before my Mom died. The year I turned five.

The next two years my father was too drunk to remember the date, and even if he had, he wouldn't have cared.

And then there were the foster homes. I'm sure they knew when my birthday was although sometimes I pretend they didn't. It makes it hurt less when no one even wishes you a happy birthday.

Even though I was happier and more comfortable with the Bradley's than with any other foster family. They were still just that, a foster family. At least in my head.

So I told myself not to expect much as my birthday comes closer.

And then it's only a week away, and I'm sure they've forgotten. No one mentions anything about a party or any kind of celebration.

Not that I'm surprised. Okay, maybe a little bit. It stings.

I thought they loved me. I really did, I opened up my sad, walled off heart. Unwrapped the caution tape, I had so carefully surrounded myself with.

But I should have known it wouldn't last.

The night before my birthday, I cry myself to sleep. Throughout this whole week, a small part of my heart thought they couldn't have forgotten. But finally I realized the truth, they don't care. By the time I fall asleep my eyes are red and swollen, but I can barely bring myself to care.

I wake up to a bright light shining in my eyes. I blink slowly as my eyes adjust. Alanna stands by the window, her hand still on the curtain. The rest of the family is gathered by my doorway. "Happy Birthday," They scream.

I burst into tears yet again, and everyone stares at me, their eyes filled with confusion and worry.

"I thought you forgot," I whimper, sucking in deep breaths to calm myself. But before I can say or do anything else, Alanna and Chloe have wrapped their arms around me from either side and soon the twins, Bridger , Tyler, and Cason, have joined them. Wrapping me in a group hug.

I tense a little at their touch. But then relax, as the last few tears fall.

When everyone seems tired of hugging, they lead me downstairs where a big banner is hanging, reading HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ZOE! in big block letters, clearly scribbled in by the twins.

I almost start to cry again, but smile big instead. Repeating "Thank you," and "Wow," over and over again.

The table is covered in all my favorites, along with a pile of presents. This time I do start crying again, and Chloe wraps an arm around my shoulders, "It's too much," I whisper, "No one's ever done anything like this for me before."

"You deserve it," She says, "Did you really think we could forget your Birthday?"

I shrug, "It wouldn't be the first time." Chloe squeezes my shoulder.

"We wouldn't."

"I wanted to believe that, but then no one said anything all week. I just didn't know what else to think."

"I'm sorry. We should have told you."

"It's ok. This is perfect, I can't imagine something better."

We eat the food, and I realize I'm starving since I haven't been eating much this week.

Then we move onto presents. Everyone got me something, the twins decorated cards and drew pictures. Tyler gave me his favorite action figure (On the condition that I let him play with it sometimes.) Chloe and Cason bought me a book together. And Alanna and Bridger got me a pile of new clothes and books.

By the time I've gotten to the last gift there is wrapping paper everywhere. Next they drag me into the living room and pull me down on the couch.

"As is Bradley tradition," Cason says in a deep announcer voice, "The next activity is... Favorite Movie Pick." I'm giggling loudly. "And as the guest of honor, it's your choice!" He points at me.

I make a face like I'm deep in thought. But I already know my answer, "The Sound of Music."

We settle in and this time I'm right in the middle, joining in the fun.

The rest of the day flies by in a blur. When the movie's over we eat lunch and drive around the lake on the boat.

And that night I fall asleep with a smile on my face.

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